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button pressed detection won't work

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i started making a small script for myself where it should only check if a certain key ( , ) is pressed and then do something. but the problem is i can't even get the hang of the basics. i was a good scripter in morrowind and oblivion but the new script system just confuses me. i dumped the whole thing down to make sure its really that and yeah no key strokes detected. my script looks like this :

Scriptname aaatest Extends Quest

Event OnKeyDown(int keyCode)
	if ( keyCode == 188 )

about that register part i am not quite sure but the wiki said something like that. but i tried severeal solutions with and without and yeah none worked. maybe i also did something wrong with the quest that checks for the keys ( start game enabled checked , run once unchecked , priority 30 , event none and script attached on the scripts tab ) but i don't think so. any help would be good.

Edited by vgp64084
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OnkeyDown won't fire without registration, you register it inside event but it will never run. You will need to register for key in other event or function. In your case something like this:

Scriptname aaatest Extends Quest

Event OnInit()

Event OnKeyDown(int keyCode)
	if (keyCode == 188 )
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OnkeyDown won't fire without registration, you register it inside event but it will never run. You will need to register for key in other event or function. In your case something like this:

Scriptname aaatest Extends Quest

Event OnInit()

Event OnKeyDown(int keyCode)
	if (keyCode == 188 )

thanks i already tried it this way and it seems like something was wrong with my mod. i created a new esp and it worked instantly i don't really know what it was. but thank you anyways without you i wouldn't have recreated my esp.

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