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Missing Argonnian dialogue.


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Ok, this has been going on for a while, but after several reinstalls and countless deactivated OMODS and esps, I still have not found the solution to this problem : The dialogue for every single Argonnian in the GAME is messed up. They all say either "Oh my lord, there's a matter of which etc etc." and have no dialogue options except the close box, or the usual "I have no greeting." deal. If anyone has any ideas or solutions, you have my gratitude.
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Ok, this has been going on for a while, but after several reinstalls and countless deactivated OMODS and esps, I still have not found the solution to this problem : The dialogue for every single Argonnian in the GAME is messed up. They all say either "Oh my lord, there's a matter of which etc etc." and have no dialogue options except the close box, or the usual "I have no greeting." deal. If anyone has any ideas or solutions, you have my gratitude.

Is it just Argonians? Is it voiced dialogue? So you have SI installed? Did you leave SI through some means other than the normal portal? If you answered "Yes" to the last two or three it is suggested that you try using the portal to fix things. If it's just the first one, it would have to be related to a poorly made quest mod. If it is the second one, it would have to be related to an official mod.

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I might have done the whole portal thing, I'm not sure. I'll try the SI portal just to check. As far as my load order, I have no idea how to find it.

Thanks for the help btw.




EDIT: Ah it didn't work. How do I post my load order?

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