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Oldrim; Only base game loading


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[Also posted in Skyrim Tech Support, as the entire game has been affected]


PROBLEM: After merging mods with Merge Plugins, only the base game is loading.

Merge Plugins utility used: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905/?



Original Skyrim, with all DLC (not legendary)

No mod managers, fully manual install

Only the most basic followers merged, no script heavy, quest-loaded mega mods

Game loaded normally before merging anything

Merge worked fine with no errors

Disabling the merged esps does not fix the problem


Basically, I downloaded Merge Plugins, made a new merge with a bundle of super basic followers, activated the new esp & disabled the old ones, and upon booting to test them, only the base game is loaded. No DLCs or any mods in the load order at all (which appears fine/everything is activated). SKSE runs, which adds an empty mod options tab, but nothing else.


I've tried removing & reverting all the mods edits, checking the registry entries for all launchers and the game's install path, updating SKSE & FNIS, triple checking & manually editing the load order/plugins.txt, but have been unable to fix whatever was changed somewhere. While Merge Plugins has instructions for use with NMM and MM, it also has manual instructions and no where states that either manager or profile system is required. It has an internal profile set up to handle merges, but doesn't appear to have any way to boot the game or the SKSE launcher through it, nor does it seem like that would be necessary, as it creates new esps and vanilla folder structures already.


This is a HUGE issue, as my game is now almost entirely broken. It really feels like something is just repointed somewhere or I need to use some kind of profile, so have not tried reinstalling. Really, really, hoping to avoid that entirely, as I have many misc textures and small edits I wouldn't be able to sort out again. I am NOT installing any mod managers, and if necessary would be 100% fine with just undoing this and not merging anything at all.


There's very little tech support going on on the Merge Plugins page, so I thought I'd post it here.

Clearly I'm missing something tiny somewhere and it's driving me crazy. :(

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I don't know how to delete threads and it isn't letting me change the title, but consider this issue [CLOSED].


Never received any tech support here or on the mod page, but purging everything Skyrim from my PC removed the mystery problem. It's playable again, which is all I care about at this point, and I'm using the opportunity to re-mod everything from scratch. Whatever. Sh*t happens, I guess.

Edited by JerisEnigma
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