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Personal mask of Dovahkiin


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I searched, but there was only ideas like mine. so;

Miraak can get his own mask, Dragonpriests can get own masks too, but why, the mighty Dovahkiin can't get one and wears the other's masks?

My request is : A quest, to build/craft a mask, with the enchantments are choices of player (dovahkiin), up to 4 enchantments. (Not like regular enchantments, like miraak's shout cooldown or volsung's waterbreathing.)

I'm giving the idea, the modders will know what is bad or good for the mod. I'm waiting. Please make this happen!

(The mask's name should be player's first name, like if player's name is Kjald Asgir, the mask's name should be Kjald.)
(The mask shouldn't look like dragonpriest masks, since miraak has an unique style of mask. Maybe it can be made of moonstone, orichalum or dragonbones?)

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  • 1 year later...

I know there is a mod for it because I have one I just don't know where to find it outside my system any more. Its a dragon priest mask made with 3 gold bars, a daedra heart, and a dragon bone. I may be getting it through "apophysis dragon priest masks se" but may not. It might have been removed.


"dovahkiindragonmask.esp" by Internalmemory

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