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We Need a Total Revamp of The Settlement System Please


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It is amazing how one can play Fallout 4 for over a year, and after all the hammering at Sanctuary not one settler, or even the player, can piece together 2 or 3 houses out of the whole community without having a mod that makes the place look like brand new. Guys I need to be able to take pieces off the houses to fix up the others, without making them look like they just came off the factory floor.


The defense system of the settlements needs a total overhaul. I've seen how the game calculates the battles and it has a cap on defenses. If I spend the time, the caps, and the resources, the settlement should almost be nearly impossible to defeat. Now if the game wants to throw 20 or 30 raiders with top of the line weapons at the defenses I could understand how the an attack could be realistic, but the game never does that. A handful of raiders can still jump over any fortifications and defeat 30 settlers all with upgraded legendary weapons, with max ballistic weave clothing, and all wearing heavy armor. Guys this needs a real fix badly.



Edited by sethrilea
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sim settlements gets the settlers to build their homes and farms and shops, all you need to do is say where you want them to build.


houses are randomly picked from a pretty large selection of prebuilt houses/shacks that upgrade over time.

there are loads of settlement add ons that extend the selection dramatically

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i fully sadly agree 100%

really hate how the spawning in the middle or you settlement is even a thing while i have/ had at the time, a very tall very fortified wall and some how they are allowed to spawn threw it or even settlers and NPCs can in the get get threw anything even if you made no way for them to get into a are. as long as theres something there they want they will appear. (alot of youtube videos showing this. ) YET! that NINJA mamma murffy spawns (among others) on top of the roofs and cant get down or have the ablity to go threw something or climb up..


really wist they made it better with the hole being raided thing. like have settlers arrive but 5 or more of said settlers could be a undercover raider or group to get inside of your base. or have really epic battles with say 50-100 attacks spawning pit side of your base/ settlement. while saying this i think it be cool is there where said group slowly noticing something/ or someone (u the player) setting up fort someplace and try to raid you with out a farm or black mail you for protection money or something if the notice movie ment in that area or light.... or fell even do ( if it is just you) as you sleep u wake up to something then finding someone id smashing there butt of the gun into your face then you wake up somewhere and things get messy or you have to pay them to get out or something..



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