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How to create your own Trainer NPC


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I was looking for a tutorial on trainer creation, but I couldn't find one...so I just figured it out on my own. It's quite easy. Here's how to make your own:


Click on the "Actors" tab in the "Object" window, and rightclick and choose "new". This will make a new NPC. For this example, we'll make a one handed master trainer. Give the NPC an ID. We'll call him "TrainerOneHanded"....and give him a name. How about "Dave the One Handed Trainer". Press ok at the bottom.


Find "TrainerOneHanded" listed under "Actors" and double click to edit. You can tick "essential" if you want... so he can't be killed. Under that you will see "scripts". Click on "Add" and choose "TrainerGoldScript". You don't have change any of the properties of the script, you can just leave it alone. To the right, you can change what race you want your trainer to be, and what kind of voice they will use.


Now click on the "Stats" tab. In the bottom right, you will see a pull down menu called "Class". We want to select "TrainerOneHandedMaster".


Now click on the "Factions" tab, and in the window, right click and select "new". Select "JobTrainerFaction"... Click on "new" again, and add a second faction listing "JobTrainerOneHandedFaction".


Click on the "Inventory" tab, and give your NPC some armor so he's not naked, and a weapon if you want.


We're done with our new NPC so hit OK to close out the NPC window.


In the Object window, look under "Character" and in that "Quests". Filter using "trainer". We're looking for "DialogueTrainers"...it will have a small yellow box with a question mark in it next to it. Double click to edit. Click on the "player dialogue" tab. On the left you will see "All" and "TrainingBranch". Click on "trainingbranch". This will bring up a bunch of responses from all the existing trainers in the game.


We will need to find an existing trainer with the same skill we want. Click this Link to find the name of an existing trainer with that skill. We are doing a one handed trainer so we will use Amren. In the responses window, you will see a subheading of "Speaker NPC". Scroll down until you find a response by Amren. Right click on that response, and choose "Copy" to make duplicate of that response. You may have to re-click "TrainingBranch" on the left to refresh the window. Double click on the new duplicate response to edit. Below "I can teach you a few things" tick the "Force Subtitle" box. That way if the player doesn't have subtitles on, they will be able to read the NPC's response. You can also click "Goodbye" so the dialogue window will close when your done training.


In the "Conditions" window, the first entry is "GetBaseActorValue" it should say "OneHanded" Double click on this and change the "Value" to 100. That way you can train all the way up to level 100. Right under that is "GetIsID" Double click and change the actor from "Amren" to "TrainerOneHanded". Everything else should stay the same.


Now your ready to place your new NPC trainer in the game. Just drop him somewhere convenient, and check him out.


Please try this out, and let me know if it works. Good luck!

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