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Door with multiple destinations?


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don't use the built in teleport system for the doors. just script the doors.


for the 9 doors that lead to the one door use this code.


Scriptname Teleportdoor extends ObjectReference  

import game
import utility

ObjectReference Property lastdoortraveledto Auto  
ObjectReference Property Teleport  Auto  
ObjectReference Player
ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Follower1 Auto
ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Follower2 Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef )

                    player = game.getPlayer()



put this script in the doors script section, once its in hit properties and point ObjectReference Property Teleport Auto to the door. Point the two alisa property to the quest dialoguefollower and have one pick follower, the other pick animal. this will let your companions and pets travel with you. put a new xmarkerheading anywhere in your house, and point your lastdoortraveledto to it.


this will move the player to your basement, and the xmarkerheading to the door you leave from.




for the one door that teleports you back to the last door you entered use this.


Scriptname Teleportdoor extends ObjectReference  

import game
import utility

ObjectReference Property lastdoortraveledto Auto   
ObjectReference Player
ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Follower1 Auto
ReferenceAlias Property Alias_Follower2 Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef )

                    player = game.getPlayer()
                    player.MoveTo(lastdoortraveledto )
                    Alias_Follower1.GetRef().MoveTo(lastdoortraveledto )
                    Alias_Follower2.GetRef().MoveTo(lastdoortraveledto )



point the alias to the same as the other doors, and point the lastdoortraveledto to the xmakerheading you put it. this wiil teleport you to the last door you entered from.



You could always save yourself some trouble and download my mod instead, its amazing.

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