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although i'm not one of the most experienced here i do have something to say.

i read that it is possible to change to a werewolf whenever you want, that is only after you've finished the werewolf quests.

as for other forms i don't think its possible. i've never actually encountert someone who has a spell or artifact that would allow you to change form

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although i'm not one of the most experienced here i do have something to say.

i read that it is possible to change to a werewolf whenever you want, that is only after you've finished the werewolf quests.

as for other forms i don't think its possible. i've never actually encountert someone who has a spell or artifact that would allow you to change form

Not at will- at night. The transformation occurs after nine o'clock every night.


There is an artifact that allows voluntary transformation- the Ring of Hircine. When equipped, the ring causes te player to change into werewolf form for 24 hours. The ring is on Tharsten Heart-Fang. You can get after he attacks you in the Mortrag Glacier, Inner Ring. if you're a werewolf, be sure to wait out your hours, transform to human form, get thr ring off his body, and then go back to werewolf form to face Hircine and Karstaag.


NPC transformation MUST be possible- Tharsten heart-Fang and the Werefolf ice statues both transform into werewolves. I don't think other forms are possible. If you use the script basics from thatm I'm sure you can make a transformation scriot for your idea.

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Get "Scripted Spellcasting" if you have P.C. It's a mod that lets you transform into everything you mentioned (and a lot more) through spellcasting. By far, my favorite mod ever. Get it at Morrowind Summit. (www.rpgplanet.com/morrowind)
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Just to be clear, I was referring to the mist/bat/wolf/bear animal things, not werewolf or vampire. It's great just flying around as a cliff racer.
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actually, it is quite possible to turn into a Werewolf at will any time you want, without a mod. by completing the Bloodmoon quests, i got the Ring of Hircine. simply equip this ring, at any time (yes ANY time, any place)on any character (except vampires i think), and you will become a werewolf for 9 hours. just dont use it in towns, because if anyone sees you transform, your screwed.
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