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AFT Glitch Due to Follower Mod


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Had a lot of trouble with AFT yesterday. Just wouldn't bring up tweak options for my followers. Finally noticed that the program was wondering if there was a mod conflict...which I'd already guessed of course. Hey, after thousands of hours of runtime on Skyrim I have learned one or two lessons...difficult, but I can be taught. Anyway, spent about two hours running triage through several recent character dls. Finally isolated one follower mod out of about 25 that I'd downloaded. Have no clue as to why that follower was causing the problem, but put her on my NEVER USE list. Too bad really. Nice looking mod. No, I will not share the name of the mod. Y'all are on your own. The guy who created her put in a lot of time doing the best job that he could. I'm not gonna flame him in public. Did send a kind note to inform him of the problem.

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