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Requests for mods


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I have not been able to find a mod request thread so I deccided to start my own. This is intended as a place for non modders to post requests for mods they would like to see made. Hopefully modders looking for ideas will come here to find them. Edited by Kregen
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Ok here's my request there have been a couple of mods that have attempted this but although good mods did not quite do what I was looking for.


I would like to see a mod that would let me set a horse to either a mount for myself or my followers, or as a pack horse to carry my frost fall equipment and my needs supplies (food,potions ect) and also some of my access bagage. It would be also nice to be able to fit a pack saddle on the pack horse and saddle bags for my mount. The saddle bags would give a place to store a small amount of supplies say, 50 weight units, this would be accessed through my own inventory whilst mounted, the pack horse would closely follow my pc or one of my folowers if I asign the pack horse to thier care, a vissible lead reign would be the icing on the cake. The pack horse inventory would be accessed by the normal activation key, on PC that would E. Then a dropdown menu would appear simmilar to a conversation menu giving access to the horse inventory. This would be usable on both bought, found or stolen horses.


I have no idea if any of this would be possible, but if it is I think it would make realy great horse mod.

Edited by Kregen
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I have not been able to find a mod request thread so I deccided to start my own. This is intended as a place for non modders to post requests for mods they would like to see made. Hopefully modders looking for ideas will come here to find them.

Personally, Id just try convenient horses, not sure if they can do all of those things, but they can do more than anything else out there that I am aware of.

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been using convenient horses and it is a great mod, but it will not allow you to keep any horses you find wandering around skyrim or ones you have stolen. Also the pack horse function is not working quite the way I'd like. Immersive horses in old rim is also close and lets you adopted any horse you ride how ever you got it but unfortunately only works in old rim.

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