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Skyrim Difficulty Overhaul


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Im looking for a full set of mods to give skyrim a challenging but not stupid level of difficulty.

I just started a new legendary playthrough a couple days ago, and the game was brutal for the first 10 levels, then when I got the nightingale blade it became trivial and boring as I just hit and dodged until each enemy died. Which was a long ass time, because legendary...


Im using visceral atm, although I dont really notice any difference in play other than the 1 time I got a head injury, more annoying then anything else.

I tried a bunch of Dark Souls mods (because dark souls has the best sword combat, obviously) but disliked the rolling and target locking mods. The menu unpause / SkyrimSouls is great though - should have been in vanilla.


I think I used Requiem in the past (LONG time ago), from what I remember it doesnt change the combat, it just removes map scaling and places a crap-tonne more mobs on you than you can feasibly kill. Might have changed a bit since.


Anything that changes the FEEL of the combat would be great. And some mods to make 3rd person more tolerable would be great, I like to use 3rd for everything but often have to switch to 1st again for combat atm.

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