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Multiple Rings/ Amulet Fix


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Hey Modders,


I have been browsing the nexus for a mod that would allow more rings to be worn at once, as well as more amulets. I've found 2, both of which don't seem to work very well, and contain numerous bugs. I'm not talking about a game breaking mod, but I have 10 fingers, that's plenty of real estate for some rings, and my mage's neck seems ample enough to support more than one necklace.

Just an idea here, but if you stack 10 +destruction rings, in order to maintain a balanced toon, I understand that rings and amulets would have to be re-worked with smaller values, so as not to have +120% to destruction magic.

I leave it up to you, O' awesome modders, let me know if you can find something like this, or make it yourself.



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HI Guys,


First post here. I really like the idea of multiple rings too so I'd like to endorse the initial idea but what made me reply was thte discussion about Hoods and Circlets. There is already a mod out there that does that. You can find it here.




Hope that solves part of your request.






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