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Wired lights-Please it would help a lot


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One problem that I have recently had was how the wires and conduits give off an area of power effect which is meant to allow objects to receive power without spaghetti wires crisscrossing everywhere. This game mechanic isn't my problem; its that for instance if you have a powered door that has a few conduits so that you can turn it into a two sided switch door and there are wires close to where you put in lights, then trying to have all of your lights and other things on one switch while not linking it to the door can be a problem. If you are like me and don't like having your lights and everything on all of the time then this can be quite annoying. My solution to this is simple; make another set of the same lights in the game and put a connection point on each of them for a wire and take a way the simple mechanic where they receive power without being attached. Just make a separate category of lights which are wired. Please if anyone has the ability, time, or want to do this, then i will be grateful. I'm broke so i'm not that grateful. But it would just be nice, thank you.

Edited by Nukacolared
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