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(Heavily Modded) Crash upon scrolling quickly in armor workbench


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You read that right. As far as I can tell, the reason for the crash is scrolling quickly through the armor workbench.


I have a concrete house in Sanctuary (one of the settlement DLCs, vanilla) and a bunch of workbenches inside.

I modified some weapons in it, then switched to the armor workbench to modify my combat armor chestplate (CCCA and Craftable Armor Sizes installed).

I scrolled down to find it: generally it would be at the top, but I have VIS and DEF_HUD/UI installed as well, so it had the tag in front of it. I scrolled like normal people would to get to the bottom of a menu, which is quickly, so that one or two pages of content moves with every scroll.


Instant CTD. I thought it was because I had so heavily modded my game, and it was a specific item's holo-preview model crashing the game, so I scrolled slowly through the menu to see exactly which one caused the crash.


To my surprise, nothing happened. My next thought was that it hadn't anything at all to do with the bench, and that a settler outside had interacted with something from Sim's Settlements or one of its addons, as that is pretty much the only settlement mod pack I have.


So, I went back to test it. I had a quicksave about 50 seconds before the first time I experienced the crash, so I assume the AI would do something similar to what it had done before and the crash would happen again. I brought up a stopwatch and began timing. However, when I entered the armor workbench and scrolled down to modify my armor like I did earlier, the game crashed at about 8 seconds into the save.


So, I think it has to do with the scrolling, but I'm not sure what other information I can provide (other than load order). I think I can get an F4SE error log, if someone wants that.


EDIT: It may actually be with the mouse going over certain items, which would confirm that it is either the holo-preview or bugged text. I scrolled down slowly like last time, but with the scroll wheel and with my mouse over the items instead of the scroll bar on the left.


The problem is likely with CCCA (Custom Combat Armor). The armor's preview in the workbench causes an instant CTD.


EDIT 2: It is reproducible in the inventory. It is a problem with the combat armor (screenshots here: http://prntscr.com/fhb00s and here: http://prntscr.com/fhb16x), meaning it is likely an issue with CCCA. When inspecting the armor in the inventory, it crashes. When it comes up in the workbench, it crashes.


Obligatory load order (After posting this I removed Combat Helmet Illumination)


0 0 Fallout4.esm

1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 ArmorKeywords.esm
9 9 TrueStormsFO4.esm
10 a Robot Home Defence.esm
11 b Arbitration - Resources.esm
12 c SimSettlements.esm
13 d ValdacilsItemSorting-Mods.esp
14 e Armorsmith Extended.esp
15 f ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCAutomatron.esp
16 10 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCNukaWorld.esp
17 11 Armorsmith All DLCs Patch.esp
18 12 TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp
19 13 TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp
20 14 TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp
21 15 ImmersiveVendors.esp
22 16 RaiderOverhaul.esp
23 17 ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCFarHarbor.esp
24 18 ValdacilsItemSorting-AidReducedWeight.esp
25 19 LoreFriendlySurvivalChems.esp
26 1a Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
27 1b TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp
28 1c TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp
29 1d TrueStormsFO4-NukaWorld-FH-Compat.esp
30 1e DarkerNights.esp
31 1f DarkerNightsDetection.esp
32 20 Craftable Armor Size - Fix Material Requirements.esp
33 21 EndorsCustomCombatArmor.esp
34 22 Craftable Armor Size.esp
35 23 BetterGenerators.esp
36 24 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
37 25 3dscopes.esp
38 26 3dscopes-framework.esp
39 27 3dscopes-FarHarbor.esp
40 28 3dscopes-NukaWorld.esp
41 29 CROSS_Cybernetics.esp
42 2a dD-Enhanced Blood.esp
43 2b dD - Small Splatter Size.esp
44 2c Depth of Field Removal.esp
45 2d Dialogue Camera Sensitivity.esp
46 2e LongerDeathReloadTime.esp
47 2f Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp
48 30 DV-Deadly Vertibirds.esp
49 31 DV-No Levelled Vertibirds.esp
50 32 1% Fusion Core Drain.esp
51 33 Marmo1233 - Immersive Settlers.esp
52 34 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
53 35 OA_LootableMaterialsCrates_vanilla_mergedDLC.esp
54 36 BTInteriors_Project.esp
55 37 SettlementAttacksBeyondFH.esp
56 38 SettlementAttacksBeyondNW.esp
57 39 3DNPC_FO4.esp
58 3a subwayrunnnerdynamiclighting.esp
59 3b Cannibal.esp
60 3c nvvault1080.esp
61 3d Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
62 3e Raider Children.esp
63 3f Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
64 40 My_Minutemen.esp
65 41 ImmersiveDrumlinDiner.esp
66 42 SuperMutantOverhaul.esp
67 43 Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp
68 44 3DNPC_FO4_DLC.esp
69 45 Killable Children.esp
70 46 Live Dismemberment - Mental.esp
71 47 Live Dismemberment - Mind-Blowing.esp
72 48 Live Dismemberment - POSTAL.esp
73 49 Live Dismemberment - Brutal.esp
74 4a Live Dismemberment - Insane-o.esp
75 4b Live Dismemberment - Liebermode.esp
76 4c Live Dismemberment - Regular.esp
77 4d EFF.esp
78 4e Move (Get Out the Way).esp
79 4f Grasslands - Healthy - Performance.esp
80 50 Grasslands - Healthy.esp
81 51 FAR.esp
82 52 Lots More Facial Hair.esp
83 53 Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
84 54 Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
85 55 Chainsaw.esp
86 56 Chainsaw_LL.esp
87 57 PowerLinePhysics.esp
88 58 RadiantBirdsv05.esp
89 59 PipeShotgun.esp
90 5a PipeShotgun-AWKCR.esp
91 5b SolarPower.esp
92 5c UncappedSettlementSurplus.esp
93 5d detailedferalghouls2K.esp
94 5e ValdacilsItemSorting-JunkBetter+DEF_INV.esp
95 5f Better Cooking Stations.esp
96 60 Better Cooking Stations - Far Harbor + Nuka World patch.esp
97 61 The Space Marine.esp
98 62 Crossbow.esp
99 63 MJC_Sim_Settlements_Addon.esp
100 64 IndustrialCity_Sim_Settlements_Addon.esp
101 65 BetterSettlers.esp
102 66 BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
103 67 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp
104 68 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
105 69 FlaconOil HD ReTexture_Performance Pack_Part_1.esp
106 6a FlaconOil HD ReTexture_Performance Pack_Part_2.esp
107 6b Altairp's Animal Farm.esp
108 6c WET.esp
109 6d ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCWeaponsOverride.esp
110 6e UniqueUniques.esp
111 6f SettlementAttacksBeyond.esp
112 70 BioshockInspiredPowerArmor.esp
113 71 CorvalhoWidowShotgun.esp
114 72 mk14.esp
115 73 mk14-awkcr.esp
116 74 ruined_simsettlement_addonpack.esp
117 75 MJC_Sim_Settlements_Slum Lord_Addon.esp
118 76 WVSimSAddon.esp
119 77 standaloneconstruct.esp
120 78 M1Garand.esp
121 79 SkyrimInspiredPowerArmor.esp
122 7a PCDugSIMAddon.esp
123 7b PCDugBuildAWall.esp
124 7c 7igerHuskystandalone.esp
125 7d FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
126 7e CrudeBlowback.esp
127 7f companion_Panzerhund.esp
128 80 HandmadeRevolver.esp
129 81 AtomicRadio.esp
130 82 CrudeBlowback - AWKCR.esp
131 83 CrudeBlowback-1.5xDMG.esp
132 84 PCDugWedges.esp
133 85 SimSettlements_AddOnPack_UtilitiesX_JtBryant.esp
134 86 SCAR-L.esp
135 87 RainofBrassPetals.esp
136 88 Regent.esp
137 89 Family Mauser.esp
138 8a M14.esp
139 8b 870.esp
140 8c M1Garand - AWKCR-VIS.esp
141 8d M1Garand-2xDMG.esp
142 8e DX Adventurer Outfit.esp
143 8f SimSettlements_VIS.esp
144 90 LongRangeBulletHoles.esp
145 91 ValdacilsItemSorting-Weapons.esp
146 92 Lasers Have No Recoil.esp
147 93 FO4LaserBolts - InstituteRoyalBlue.esp
148 94 FO4LaserBolts.esp
149 95 K9TacticalHarness.esp
150 96 HandmadeRevolver - AWKCR-VIS.esp
151 97 HandmadeRevolver-2xDMG.esp
152 98 P90.esp
153 99 P90NPC.esp
154 9a EndorsCustomCombatArmor_AE.esp
155 9b EndorsCustomCombatArmor_CAS_CCA_Cost.esp
156 9c EndorsCustomCombatArmor_AzarHair.esp
157 9d EndorsCustomCombatArmor_WATM.esp
158 9e EndorsCustomCombatArmor_Valdacil.esp
159 9f EndorsCustomCombatArmor_VaultSuitDLC_AE.esp
160 a0 ARMSMTH - CCCA -Combat Helmet Illumination 1.2.esp
161 a1 Combat_Helmet_Illumination 1.2.esp
162 a2 VIS - Craftable Armor Size.esp
163 a3 VIS - Tales From the Commonweath.esp
164 a4 VIS - True Storms.esp
165 a5 DX Commonwealth Mini Dresses.esp
166 a6 KeyNukerPatch_Cannibal.esp
167 a7 ValdacilsItemSorting-AmmoWeightless.esp
168 a8 ValdacilsItemSorting-ExplosivesSortTop.esp
169 a9 ValdacilsItemSorting-Misc.esp
170 aa ValdacilsItemSorting-NotJunk.esp
171 ab ValdacilsItemSorting-Perks.esp
172 ac ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCContraptions.esp
173 ad ValdacilsItemSorting-ZY-DLCVaultTec.esp
174 ae ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCArmorByClassOverride.esp
175 af ValdacilsItemSorting-ZZ-DLCCosmeticsByClassOverride.esp
176 b0 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

Edited by Ghost85100
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