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ENB Troubleshooting


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So I have recently started playing Skyrim again and thought I'd use the Skyrim Beautification Project. I've used it before and never really had any problems with it, apart from a few minor ones which I could fix and the Problem this post is about. While installing i used all the correct versions of the mods, described on the website, I checked multiple times. I also used the Authors .inis, the standard skyrim ones and the one for the ENB. I'm using no extra mods which would change the lighting or the shadows in any way, just a few mods which change NPCs, like TK children and a few SexLab Mods. I also had this weird lighting when I last played skyrim without any Mods apart from the ones used in SBP.


I think the pictures make it pretty clear (Files were too big to upload here)

http://imgur.com/a/gDaTP (newer picture, taken yesterday)

http://imgur.com/a/fVUr1 (Don't mind the weird LODs and bFloatPointRenderTarget, I have fixed these things)


As you can see, a lot of mountains, and just distand things in general are completely dark, so dark infact that i sometimes don't even know if it's day or nighttime, without looking at the sky or the clock. I've tried fiddling around with the settings but i didn't find the right ones. I've also read that this can be caused by CoT, for example, but obviously there has to be a way to use ENB and CoT together.



Of course I've already searched google and found similar posts, but described solutions didn't really help.

If someone could point me to the right settings, or anything else which could help me I would be eternally grateful :)



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