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Skill checks


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It really is odd to me that someone can be so vested in creating these mods for games like this but not ever own the DLC. idk but the game is old, surely the dlc is cheap? I owned this game and the dlc before I even got a PC that could actually utilize all these mod options. but each to their own of course.

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  • 1 year later...

Ok, probably necroing the heck out of this, but yes please to this mod. There are mods out there now that allow more options in speech. So there are probably nigh infinium options in speech where certain skills would illicit npc reactions equally as much as the vanilla options.


There are any number of spots where I am like... bro. Really? Especially STR related. At one point near sanctuary there is a hatch held closed by a vacuum. If you are in power armor or have a STR of 10, you should be able to rip that thing open. Then there is the ever present "im a wooden door made of plywood, but im chained on the other side. too bad your STR of 10 is useless." Nah. Dead door. You should be able to break it down. A chained metal door? Ok, much better, but if by some wizardry you can get your STR to 15 or 20? Why not be able to break it down? If nothing else you should be able to snap the chain on the other side.


There are countless times when you could have PER checks for a bit of extra loot, and weather or not they spawn could be randomized. Refridgerators, safes, heck, maybe some paintings. Have an interact option on certain paintings that only appears if you have more that a certain level of perception. Some of those could overlap with checks for certain levels of scrounger.


Just pointing out, just on special alone there are any number of ways to expand over vanilla. We start talking certain perks? Pain Train for example. You have full Pain Train and are in power armor, give me one good reason you don't get a pop-up option to break down a wooden door?


If I sat down and looked through every perk I would bet that I could come up with 5 or more situations that it could be used.

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