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How to make a player or object disappear/reappear (?)


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- I already tried SetAlpha and that is very buggy when as it does not render correctly when you set an object back to visible (reappear) - SetAlpha(1.0)

- I already tried SetScale(0) and that is also very buggy when used on the player and creates problems with player movement.

- Casting an invisible spell still allows for an outline.

- Cannot use moveto on the player.


Any other ideas......

Edited by zdanman
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Create an OnActivate script and and use Enable(). Make sure you set initially disabled in object properties.


There are tutorials you can follow on creation kit .com that you can modify to your needs. You can also make the object a child of an activator or put conditionals on its script.


Tutorials found at by google creation kit then 'hello world' tutorial.

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I have read most of it....

I need to make the player disappear... I cannot disable the player....


This is going to sound like a stupid question, but do you need them to actually dissapear or for people just to simply not reacte to them like they're invisible? If it's the latter, just use Game.GetPayer().SetActorValue("Invisibility",100) and they'll be completely ignored as if they were invisible. I take it you need the former though....unfortunately I've only stumbled across SetAlpha as an alternative at this point which you mention has been buggy for you (I haven't yet seen it be problematic but of course, that could be a matter of time).


Edit: Have you tried investigating a custom shader? For instance, the GhostFxShader seems to have some transparency in it, so you could probably create a shader that gives full invisibility, and then use it in combination with a magic effect that just simply applies value modifier to Invisibility Actor Value, which doesn't even require scripting.



Edited by MofoMojo
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Not tried this but just throwing it out there.


What about teleporting the player somewhere nearby (same cell) and changing the camera to focus on the spot they teleport from. Not sure if you want to have them move around invisible. Not tried messing with the camera so not sure what effect can be achieved.


EDIT: just re-read post and I guess this falls under moveto. Thinking of reloading cell and putting player on a different teleport marker but then you'd probably get a black flicker just before the camera focused or even worse a loading screen flash.

Edited by cervantes DE LEON
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put two xmaker headings on your map, one in the spot you want the npc and one outside of the cell in the grey area. Then just use a customnpc.moveto(xmarkerheading1). If you are going to be using this a lot it wouldnt hurt to make a blank storage cell where you could keep stuff like this that you want to call into action at some point. the game already has a default one but its probably safer to just make your own.




also now that i think of it, npcs can start as initially disabled too. house carls do it.

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