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Ideas for daedric armor improvements


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You know, when I first glanced upon the Daedric armor in a concept art picture, I said to myself: "´This is gonna be one a**kicking armor!"


But after seing some screenshots from the game, i realized, that it was all wrong. It was asymmetrical! I couldn't have that. An armor that cool should be symmetrical in my world, and until this has been fixed, I've refused to put the armor on. I won't wear it as long as it looks like that.


Therefor my requests to you briliant modders is: "Make a symmetrical version of this armor." It doesn't have to be a totally sexified version, just fix the problems, and I'll be forever grateful. And while you're at it, you could maybe make some wings and a demonic tail to along with it, I don't know. Just make sure its symmetrical!


Hope this'll catch any of you modders attensions, It would be a drastic improvement in my opinion.



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By the way, you could make the symmetrical version as a forge-able standalone, so that people will still have the opportunity to use the old version, should they want to.



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