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Im having a lot of CTD with lots of mods


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The game is suppossed to be able to handle all of those mods right?


I personally hate the fact that CTD's just happen out of the blue just while you're running from one place to the next SEEMINGLY for no reason at all. It shits me so much and I get them all the time and I seem to not be able to do anything about it or be able to fix it no matter what I do... I've used BASH like yourself and I've completely culled my list of mods... it's like they are conflicting with one another, but the process is so badly implemented (despite there being so much official support through the SW etc) that it's embarassing how unreliable the game is.


I LOVE Skyrim so much but I'm just about ready to throw in the towel on this on because I'm sick to death of trying out a few new mods on a day and then having to spend MORE time debugging them and finding out what's wrong and seemingly causing my CTD's because of some crazy out there WTF conflict than playing the game itself... it f*#@s with my head and thus I'm just about to give up on the game.


Are there others out there running many mods (100+) and still able to play the game reliably without CTD issues?

Ive been running 220+, had an issue a week ago that I was lucky enough to fix ( crashing in game after I moved for about 30 sec). I fixed it, go me! :) However, to day I come home and for once I didnt install anything. I actually unsubbed to 4 of the 5 steam workshop mods i have. I cut the files and archived them in for NMM to keep more control, left only one steam workshop subdscribed. Then I ran a game integrity scan from steam. The new Highrez esp.'s were the only thing repaired. So I deleted them for the ini. fix...Starterd up Skyrim, CTD after logo! x3 now :( I didnt even change any f***ing mods. Now excuse me while I spend a few hours hunched over my computer f***ing with files.



EDIT: Just found this on the update for next official patch "•Fixed crash when loading a subscribed mod that has been removed from Workshop by the author" This sounds like what I have, since steam ws throws thing in my /data I have a few things in there I cant remmber exactlly what they were. Therein lies the problem....

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