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Primary needs in FNV better than in F3?


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(I recently got an answer about primary needs in the mods section, so I thought my follow up question also posted there is better suited here.)


Anyone who can help me compare New Vegas vanilla primary needs to the mod that was used in Fallout 3? Is it better in New Vegas somehow so I won't be bored as easily? I found it fun in the beginning in Fallout 3, but tedious in the end.


I am planning to play wo it: Adjusting timescale with project nevada or canceling it completely if it's possible, but only if other Hardcore settings can be kept.


BUT, a fun, completely realized and immersive primary needs with thoughtful design (not patched on afterwords as in F3) could be fun. What do you say? Is it more fun to play with primary needs in FNV compared to F3, and if it is: why do you think so?



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