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Need help with mods, SKSE, Requiem, SkyProc Patcher


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I'm trying to run a mega modded Skyrim. Its legendary edition and everything is up to date as far as I know. I am using Mod Organizer for my mods. I am having several issues so let me start from the beginning. First when I start the game I get a warning that reads


"Warning: SKSE memory fix is not active on your game! Make sure "Data/SKSE/SKSE.ini" has DefaultheapInitialAllocMB=768 or higher under (Memory). If using Mod Organizer try adding-foscesteamloader to SKSE startup options. You can disable this warning from "Data/SKSE/Plugins/CrashfixPlugin.ini" by setting "WarnSKSEMemoryPatch" to 0.


The second problem is that I am trying to get the mod Requiem to work. Now this isn't a mod I originally wanted but one of the other mods I have required it for some strange reason. If I cant get it to run properly I am willing uninstall it but when I tried this before my game crashed and wouldn't run again until I reinstalled it. The second Warning reads


The SkyProc-Patch "Requiem for the Indifferent" was not found in your load order. Without this patch core elements of Requiem cannot function properly. Please use the SkyProc-patcher included in the download to generate the patch. A detailed guide can be found at our Confluence Wiki at https://requiem.atlassian.net/wiki


Since this issue had a major impact on Requim if not resolved now, the game will be aborted at this point. After confirming this message, you will be sent back to the main menu to resolve this issue. Please note that we recommend to restart Skyrim completely befor beginning a new game.


When I go into Mod Organizer access the drop down menu and try to run the SkyProc-Patcher I get this message


MO Error failed to inject dll into "java.exe": failed to access thread context. Please note that Mod Organizer does not support 64bit binaries! (The parameter is incorrect. [87])


I did go to atlassian and followed the install instructions (I think) and I've been able to resolve several other issues on my own but I need someone with a little more experience in this area, if anyone can help me out I would very much appreciate it, thank you!

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