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Top 10 buggiest quest in Skyrim


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Hello guys i am planning to start a new game because thieves guild quest ruined my enjoyment in Skyrim because of the most buggiest quest i ever played.


Also I wanted to create some list to share to the Skyrim community what quest should be avoided until we wait for the new patch of Skyrim or hopefully an unofficial patch would arrived.


I am totally tired going to wiki and makes the game predictable.


My top 1 Blindsighted quest in Thieves guild chain quest seriously

-this is the most enjoyable quest ever in thieves guild quest fighting with tough falmers and dwemer's automation until you reach the end of the quest that hits you in a wall of despair and frustration fighting tough falmers and automation then hit you of a block of nothingness.


solution: nothing you can do besides using a console ruining the quest. Totally wish i would have a proper duel of the last boss. Reloading your save game would not fixed this quest. I have tried ten times load and save still no fixed.

console commands to complete the quest and loot the final boss setstage TG08B 40 after you killed the boss in an easy manner wait for your followers to jump in so the water would rise up and lead you to the final and type tcl to avoid collision and find the door that would exit you in that god forsaken curse quest. If your followers never jump due of their stupidity you need to load the save game again and start all over.

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I have never had any trouble with that quest, of course, I always just jump to the right when I first enter the room with the automaton and sneak past all the enemies there. Never had to fight the automaton that way.
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I have never had any trouble with that quest, of course, I always just jump to the right when I first enter the room with the automaton and sneak past all the enemies there. Never had to fight the automaton that way.


Have you properly duel mercer without using any console? Seriously this is the most buggiest quest I've seen so far in skyrim also how did you escape properly? Have you waited for the water to rise up and go to the hole? Sometimes Karliah and Bryn (whatever his name) doesn't jump so the water would not rise up?


Seriously in my scenario after i go to the last door and found the cut scene seeing mercer stealing the gem and talking to Karliah. My character just froze and doesn't do anything so i went to wiki again to find some answers and uses the console to finished the quest.


Seems ruined the fun for sneaking with falmer and kicking their ass. Also i just killed mercer cold blooded without mercer fighting back totally much disappointed fighting a former nightingale and guildmaster so i concluded this one as top one of the most buggiest quest in the game and should be avoided to be played until the patch arrives.


If anyone here in the skyrim community wanted to share another buggiest quest feel free to shared it in this thread so that we could avoid playing them and wait for patch to properly fixed them.

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I have never had any trouble with that quest, of course, I always just jump to the right when I first enter the room with the automaton and sneak past all the enemies there. Never had to fight the automaton that way.


Have you properly duel mercer without using any console? Seriously this is the most buggiest quest I've seen so far in skyrim also how did you escape properly? Have you waited for the water to rise up and go to the hole? Sometimes Karliah and Bryn (whatever his name) doesn't jump so the water would not rise up?

I'm not sure what you mean by "properly duel" mercer, but I never died as an archer against him. He is a bit annoying with running away invisible all the time, but if you stand behind the big statue there are only 2 paths he can take to attack you, and you still see him as a "blur" when he uses his invisibility spell and can therefore attack him long before he reaches you. I dont remember what lv I was though, only that the thieves guild questline was the first one I persued and finished (I did "grind" my sneaking level quite a bit however).


Never had problem with the water either. It starts to rise, and then the stue's head breaks off and reveals a hidden path you can escape to.


I did have a big bug once where the questgiver refused to open up his door even though the dialogue suggested that he would open it. That problem has been fixed for a long time now though.

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I didn't find any bugs in the thieves guild questline. I fought Mercer regularly I didn't have to do anything. Also about blood on ice. Somehow I was able to finish it and I don't remembering anything odd about it. I read the bugs in uesp about that quest and I guess I was lucky. On the other hand I have 4 bugs that has to do with the stupid bards college. 3 items that can't be removed and investigate bards college quest which I have finished (getting the book and everything) but it was stuck to my questlog for a long time. Also that stupid Skald. There is something wrong with this weirdo. Bounty quests can't be turned in for profit.

God I have bugs.

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Well this happened to me also not your quest but how I fixed mine,Delphine the Blades quest girl well the whole quest thing was bugged from the start the inn where you meet her and ask for the attic room and she says there is no attic room sleep in the room on the left ya right there was no floor just past the book in counter right to the dresser and beds they where there suspended in space so if you jumped and fell short you fell down through the blue void and ended up at the door entrance every time.I'm getting there, its long....well let me tell you its a quest breaker because she falls through too so what I did is got the jump that lets you jump 350 and made it to the bed slept 4 hrs she then went into her dialog and caught her before she fell through went down stairs with her then advanced the quest dialog went to leave the inn and she fell through the damn floor again....reload this time ran ahead of her out the door first and waited till she came out and she did fast travelled to the town to go see the first dead dragon resurrected and she looped out and did not advance her dialog reload.......this time I loaded the game through skse loaded directly also took out that deadly dragon mod because the resurrected dragon just froze also and then she did everything normal advanced her quest dialog and moved on. now I have since then run into other bugs but not really quest breakers yet :) this was also posted on another topic but belongs here Happy gaming :)
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