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Ok heres a thing that is boring me in some time... What the hell is BAB! I mean can anyone tell me what BAB really is because i cant get it! Is a cloth mod? A weapon? A armor? Race?


Iv'e seen some movies at youtube and the females are more sexy because of the MOVES and POSES... Is that BAB? Makes your char move like a real sedutive girl or a striper boy :biggrin: ?


And if that is BAB can I use my eyecandy nude replacer(female) because I dont like the female body they have...


Ok I just want to make my char move like that....


Oh sorry my vocabulary by the way! :rolleyes:




Thanks :thumbsup:

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BAB = Biu Adventuress Body. One of several great body replacement mods available. Try the search function.



I know already been there but it is all about mods and patches of BAB. And I already downloaded from www.leiawen.net and dosn't explain nothing in that site!


So if u say it is a body replacer I dont want it :mellow:


Soooo... can anyone tell me what is that mod to make the poses and stuff? (things that normally we cant do with the original oblivion like reading a book in the floor with a cutte position!)


Made myself clear? :thanks:

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