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i hoped i didn't had to post here for a long time but guess it can't be helped. I've had couple of CTD's in the past before but they where acceptable even though annoying like hell. Currently the problem is so bad i can't continue playing , i've completed Shriekwind Bastion but each time i leave to skyrim the load screen appears after awhile it crashes over and over. I tried cheating my way out by using COC Hideout to go their what worked but after a few seconds i arrive it crashes even when i quick saved and reloaded the game there it keeps crashing. I've encountered my first CTD after installing Open Cities but i've long disabled it out of fear for more crashes especially after reading the comments and in awaiting of further releases. I then occasionatly encountered CTD at random and when i went in and out the hideout rather often. I've recently downloaded the HD Texture DLC and today i have tweaked both ini file's. I've tweaked the line to this


sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsa

sResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa


to try to fix the issue but didn't work then i downloaded BOSS in the hope to fix the problem but that didn't work either


these are the mods i have currently installed




hope somebody can help me out with this , thanks in advance

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Dont worry have the same problem. from what i found out the mods that cause ctd are anything that uses navmesh bethesda is working on it untill then try not to use anything that changes terrain. for exampe a big one for me was the WATER mod and Levelers tower a disabled them and so far no more crashes. They are awesome mods though cant wait till Bethesda fixes it.


p.s. Navmesh if you dont know are paths npc's follow game gets crashes if something gets in the way i guess? your problem might be dova hideout dova retreat.


hope this helps

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Added content into the world is what does the CTD thing for me. Could be because of the navmeshing with the mods, I don't know. Here is what I have to do.


I have two house mods that I use. If a new mod comes out that adds anymore to the game world and I add that mod I will get CTD somewhere. If I remove one of the house mods I can then add the new mod and play it wothout issue. When I am done with this new content (Quest, dungeon etc) I then deactivate it and reinstall the house mod. This is a bummer as you have to remove everything or lose it. What I did to combat this is made about 5 hard saves with the 2 loaded up homes and just return to one of these saves after I finish the new quest mod. Any new item you get from the new mod will be lost, but you get to play the mod without a CTD.


So that is what I am doing until maybe an update fixes this issue.


1. Make hard save and then disable a house mod.

2. load new mod and play until it is over.

3. Disable new mod and reinstall old mod.

4. Load up the game from the previous hard save and continue, losing any items that the new mod added, but I keep my two added homes intact.

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thanks for the advice , though the problem was solved along time ago apparently it was caused with me adding the line to the ini files. i still have some CTD's often but i'll have to deal with them till i get a better computer and bethesda fixes more issues
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