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Adding female-only NPC to Raider Encounter List?

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Hello Nexus Community,


I am currently trying to add a new female NPC with specific equipment to the Raiders Encounter List, but I am at a point, where I am clueless, what I am missing or have done wrong.


Here is my problem: The NPC is set to female, but spawns as both male and female.


What I did:


I grabbed the Leveled List Injection Toolbox from the Nexus.

I added a new NPC, based it on the EncRaider01Template, but only ticked "Use Script", "Use Factions", "Use AI Data", "Use AI Packages", "Use Def Pack List", Use Attack Data" and "Use Keywords". I filled out the rest myself, including the Traits Tab, where I set the NPC to female.

I added a LeveledItem List and filled it with specific items just for this specific NPC.

I then created the Outfit and added the LVLI to it and added the Outfit to the NPC.

I created a quest based on the instructions from the Injection Toolbox mod (using the Script ActorLLInject) and add the NPC to the LCharRaider and LCharRaiderFemale list. (I also tried it with LCharRaiderFemale only).


I took a look at other mods, which add female-only chars to other lists as well, like to Settlers or Gunners and I cannot find something I am missing (I am just purely blind on one eye) and yet the NPC spawns as both male and female raider.


What am I doing wrong?


I am sitting here for hours, trying to solve it :/ Any help would be highly appreciated.

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