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Stop NPC's from walking away during Dialogue.


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The title pretty much says it all. I could describe the many, many, many times that unique characters have walked out of the conversation during non-repeating dialogue but I'm fairly sure the majority of us have experienced it. I have no idea how to implement this. I mean it seems fairly basic. Conversation should activate a "do not move" flag that lasts until dialogue is exited or something but, again, I don't know enough about the inner workings of the game to make it happen.


But seriously, if anyone knows of a mod or makes a mod that does this... I'm interested.


Thanks, and cheers.

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Only thing I know would be to make a Package Action with a DefaultStayScene for every scene in every quest and that makes it impossible, because you would need to do it for every vanilla, dlcs and mods dialogues (you use). Aka. it would be a very huge amount of work.

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