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Faction Script Not Working


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Currently messing with the forsworn conspiracy quest chain and I'm trying to put in a pull chain that will make all the prisoners in cidnha mine hostile.

I currently have this script attached to a door chain.


Faction Property MS02CidhnaMineEnemyFaction  Auto  

Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef)
game.getplayer().SetFactionRank(MS02CidhnaMineEnemyFaction, 1)
debug.traceandbox("Faction Rank set to " + game.getplayer().GetFactionRank(MS02CidhnaMineEnemyFaction))


When I pull the chain, the tracebox appears and says "Faction Rank set to 0", so the script is triggering, but I don't get added to the faction or have my rank increased. The 0 is strange as well because my rank with the faction is -2 when I check it with the console, but it could just be a typecasting issue.


Anyone have any ideas? I can't figure out what the the deal is and this is making me crazy. Thanks.




It only works sometimes. Worked once out of about 10 times. Can't figure out why.

Edited by psychomedic
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