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Skyrim was and is the perfect storm !?


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Skyrim seem to be the perfect storm for mods and game play innovation ...please refrain from going with stability comments that is not what this is about.

Over 52,000 mods on Nexus alone thousands on lovers lab... unknown number of blogs dedicated to Skyrim and peoples own creations. Who knows how many videos on youtube. The shear innovation of programmers who came together to really make this game one of a kind including whole DLC size mods to complete overhauls of all types and of course a whole new platform to run on SKSE. It is safe to say there has not been a game like it with all that is available to it... even today there are no games that come close. You can literately make a new game check Endral from it .. the choice you have for game play is second to none there is no argument about that you don't even have to do the quest lines to have a great game. So it is my opinion that Skyrim is the perfect storm of timing, programmers, and interest will there be a game like it perhaps but I don't see it on the horizon do you?

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