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Morrowind Online


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Hi everyone. I wasn't sure if the sticky was still being used/read so I thought I'd post here. If you need to move this, please do!


I was just really curious to know what you guys think of Morrowind Online. I don't play MMOs but did try Elder Scrolls Online when it first came out just to see what it was like. I played it for maybe a day, and never went back to it, but now that there is a Morrowind expansion for it, I'm intrigued and wondering if it's good, and if you can play as a single player?


Thanks so much for your opinions and info!


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This is what I know from videos and side by side comparisons, since I haven't played it. It's set a couple of hundred years prior to the original Morrowind game, but despite that, the changes to the towns, buildings, etc. are pretty minimal. They all look much better, in my opinion, and in some cases it even made me realise what some of the original geometry and textures were probably meant to represent! The land mass is smaller than the original game, but is much more detailed in the cases I've seen.


Most MMOs these days are designed so you can play solo, and have enough single-player content that you can skip any quests that require a party, but in some MMOs that means you won't be able to enter the interestingly designed dungeons and such. Other MMOs have the option to scale the dungeons down to be playable solo if you choose it, and/or include NPC party members that you can hire for a price. I don't know if this one does that.


And of course I don't know at all what the combat feels like. But if nothing else, just walking around and exploring looks like it would be fun for a while.

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Hi tchos. Thanks so much for your reply. I'm so in love with Morrowind that I may have to at least take a peek at this just so I can see the graphics! At first I wasn't sure I wanted to see another version of "my" Morrowind, but it is intriguing so I have a feeling I'll check it out just for fun.



Thanks again,



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If you're worried about losing interest in the original Morrowind by trying the MMO, I wouldn't worry. They fill different niches, so can be enjoyed separately for what they are. The wealth of adventure mods will no doubt keep you coming back for more. :)

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Cool, thanks tchos and you're right-already mods are keeping me hooked on the original Morrownd so I'll probably play it forever. : ) I think I'm going to check out Gamefly for this new Morrowind though-I'm looking forward to seeing the graphics (my favorite part of any game lol) but not sure I want to spend the money on it yet.



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