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draenei race for skyrim!


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So the Draenei were by far my favorite Wow Race back in my years of playing Wow before they ruined hunters and drove me from the game in disgust.


I suspect that Blizzard would be fairly quick and thorough about legal "Cease and Disist" orders if you made such a mod.


You could make a no-name clone, but to do so you'd need to incorporate two essential appeal elements that might be hard to obtain:


1] That sexy female Draenei voice accent with the Russian/Romanian Spunky Flare. That voice actress is pure gold!


2] The body model and hip sway animation which accentuate the "Junk in the Trunk" that had half of middle school male America wanting to "Go Bluish".


I suspect if you made a new Skyrim race with just those two elements, what ever else it might have in the way of glowing eyes, horns, and hooves, it would be a hit.


Lets be Honest, Draenei really means the female Mare Sex Apeal.



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