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Dragonspyre's Poem Collection


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Since Dragonspyre Library apparently had colossal flaws as a mod (Enough that I'm going to have the mod closed), I decided that the books I cannot display, I shall put on the Nexus Forums. The books "Wrath and Mercy" and "Compassion and Retribution" are available on request, so if you want to see them, simply PM me and I will send you the links to them on Fanfiction.net (I guess they count as fanfics...).


This thread, however, will serve as a collection of my 135 individual poems I had written in the month of November 2011. I will put them up, one by one, and I will see if I can get a thread lock once all 135 are up. Members, do feel free to give comments and feedback, and you don't have to give kudos unless you want to. Just knowing people get to enjoy my passion is enough to make me a happy, happy man.


This first poem is called "Fear From Freedom", and it is a story about a man whose life was ruled by pain that slowly overtook his soul, and as he faded from hope for good, he suddenly had a moment of salvation: when he met the love of his life. The poem, like many I write, is a reflection on horrible things I have gone through, but how I found a way to overcome them.




Listen to me, our time grows weak, let me pour my heart out to thee

Take a deep breath and plunge into the waters of my wellspring, my soul

What shalt happen when I die? Shalt you be taken from me?

This pain, I fear like death, for nothing could fill that void, that hole


True, I lie in thy embrace, and feel no cold as you hold me tight

But a mortal shadow I be, I can not last past century, let alone forev'r

I'm scared, please let not go this memory, if I never open my eyes after one fatal night

I shalt go, pass not to be a revenant, O death doth be so very cruel and clever


Timeless tale and chronicle be, that in this wreck, this blazing weather

My soul never cold so be, yet kind saints doth speak of a heaven

Cry when the time comes right, saught by doctor clad in leather

As my glass razed to naught, pass doth mine own hour eleven


So let all life see, that devoid that jewel we called Æther

That I be damned in Hell and bound in chain of hurtful metal

If no heaven be, and I am torn from thee, no thing was forev'r

Why could God ne'er see? I just want no pain, but thee, my rose petal


Speak so sweet to me, hold me as I feel the gnashing thunder level

Doth pain gnaw at mine feet, but only in thee can true life be

So how can Heaven, great thing, be? Naught, unless thee there, could I revel

Nothing could make me happy, naught but thou art what let me breathe


Hour come, I take thee in mine wings, thou art mine own gale of flight

Mist, torrent, rain, and miasma I will see, if thou art to leave me

O sick torture, could only Hell be! That seen wise thou art taken in this night

Ne'er so damned could one be, deprived of thine beauty for all eternity!


Why should death do us part, Amber, sweet, when I be the called of the razor?

Thou art a heavenly angel here, and how hate be that it raze thee, an innocent!

Lord, take me if that be thy plan, but I shalt beg a thousand aeons, let thy mercy save her!

I will pay for mine sins, let this angel be, please, for she hath naught to repent!


Nothing felt, in years, but autumn leaves, as I stand in this strange heaven

Lookst I, and I, bitter, weep, for my sweet love not there, surely had die

How could I enjoy this gift, if all worth being for was now forev'r taken?

As burning tears roll off mine cheek, I say, not a Heaven, but in a Hell, I be


As I cried, taken was my hand, and stood I was, ne'er more thank I, thee, O God of love

For I doth open mine eyes, to see her smiling! Amber, O angel thee, ne'er again be us torn be!

I kiss thee, as I thank God true, safely here, doth thee like Noah's lone dove

Thousands of things could I say, but now all I shalt do is love thee, for I am free!


And so, needless were volumes, that we wrote so clear what we would say

I share thee my deepest heart, trust I thee, my precious lifeblood doth thou be

O, still thine lips, as doth thine head lie on my breast, sweet angel asleep on this fine day

Now so clearly I can see, that only Heaven could there be, if you are there forev'r, with me




Here's to a long running with this thread! *pops champagne cork*

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One by one: Too slow. Gotta pick up the pace.


II. Amber's Light


All this time, I thought I lived

May I be told how I could have thought so

But, alas, time is not to mourn, no

Everything is okay, for you were hailed

Rallied like stardust, broken were false dreams

I believed a lie before, that meaningless dark

Lit was a candle, though, and fire made spark

Oh sweet love, that I see, you bound my soul by seams

Vast was my ignorance, but it was not bliss

Evil would take me, to believe I was whole

Years wasted, I never lived in more than a hole

Often I ask, how could I live, without you amiss

Understand one thing: I love you always




III. Promises, Possibility, Praise


Come with me, see the vast lands

I give all, no promise breaks our bands

Binded life by these metal strands

As in, the spire of eternity, we hold hands


Everything is so complete, you see

Only in you can I be a man, free

Again, I whisper, you make me

Only by you, can I possibly be


Life is short, let us celebrate

Nothing holds our love back, bar or crate

Again I see, the fact I couldn't, that I hate

To be with you, I say, God is great!




IIII. Alone, If I Be


I stand on this crystalline shore

White water pounding down my soul

Staring at the aurora right above

Yet none compares to you, my love


Oh, Amber, I cannot bear you gone

But, still, I stand for your come

Dank and dark inside this cove, I

I want to be away, no misery, you


Oh, Amber, Amber, please don't go

There is nothing to me if not you

So hold me tight, want but answer

Did you come to bid me good night


Answer me, Amber, answer me swell

Razed this soul, if just for this

How could I go, but single second

If all you wanted was alone, more




V. La Notte Magnanimo


Sweet songs blowing in the vernal wind

Ecstacy as I light the candles behind

So graceful, O this night, sweetheart, I'd say

It is but a simple gesture, but it's in love


It's not just your laugh, so electric

It's not just your eyes, so great an epic

It's everything about you, from bottom to top

It's from your branch to your crown, you truly pop


Now, hush, be still, let us waltz

For God uses perfect scales

As we shroud and nest in our cocoon

We shall feel the metamorphosis


The star sink, the night fades

The moon delves in shadow

My sweet, so wonderful

Do please take your bow

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