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Machai's Tale


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Machai's Tale



May you listen well to this tale

Especially when your eyes fail

Perhaps of the very best killer

How the best stay much stiller

Assassinated such, best of all

Legions, guard the very great

And do not blink to tempt fate




Chapter I



Vexillius played with his knife, rolling it back and forth in his palms. Cora stayed the knife and said, "Will you stop screwing around for once? Get a bit of a grip, will you?". Vexillius folded his arms and said, "I'm bored, if you must know. Unlike you, I don't get many contracts. And I don't try to expand my circles...".


Cora said, "Men...", as she walked away. Vexillius went back to rolling his knife in his hands. Moloch grabbed the knife and flung it at a wall. Vexillius said, "Hey, what's your problem?". Moloch got up, looming at least six feet high and four wide, massive rippling muscles, and said, "You need to get a contract. We're sick of hearing you fumble about with your little butterknife.".


Vexillius said, "You might be strong as an ox, but your as smart as one too. Nothing I can't talk into submission.". Cora said, "Vex, will you shut up for once?". Vexillius said, "Why don't you crawl back into whatever bed you found yourself in THIS time?". Moloch said, "I'd agree with her. Shut it.".


Vexillius said, "Make me, Orc maggot.". Moloch said, "That's it, small fry. You earned it.", as he wrapped his hands around Vexillius' throat, squeezing the life out of him. As Vexillius turned blue, a voice from the other room said, "Is there a problem here?". Moloch immediately dropped Vexillius.


An Argonian, vicious and hardened, stood in the doorway of the Listener's Room. He was dressed in a long black coat, with blackened leather boots and armor of blackened drake hide below his dark clothes, with a single pauldron of daedric hide on his shoulder, razor sharp on the quills on it. His look was menacing, but his power was what turned the blood of his allies and foes alike to ice.


The Argonian walked forward to Moloch, looked him in the eye, and said sternly, "I said, do you have a problem here?". Moloch, terrified and with his eyes open, said, "N-No, Listener. No p-problem... h-h-here.". The Argonian gave a casual smirk and said, "Relax... if I wanted to hurt you... you'd be dead.".


Moloch said, "Thank you, Listener.". The Argonian said with a dark smile, "Please, feel free to be at ease. Call me Machai.". Moloch said, "Yes, Machai.", still uneasy. Vexillius tried to scramble away, but Machai said to him harshly, "Move another step and I will run you through!".


Vexillius froze dead in his tracks, and Machai slowly walked over. Machai kicked Vexillius to the ground, and kept his boot on top of Vexillius' back. Machai leaned over toward the prone and vulnerable Vexillius, and Machai said, "I've heard you have been causing some trouble... want to talk about it?".


Vexillius said, "I was just-", when Machai roared at him, "Rhetorical question, moron!". Machai pushed him boot down harder, and Vexillius screamed in agony. Machai grabbed Vexillius by the collar, and pulled him up to his feet. Machai took his hands off and said to Vexillius, "How long can you last with your eyes open, Vex? I'm sure not forever...".


Vexillius stood for quite a time, straining to keep open his eyes. But then, mere minutes in, he failed... and he blinked. When his eyes opened, Machai was on the other side of him, and Vexillius screamed in terrible agony as he felt the pain of the massive gaping wound now on his leg.


Machai walked by Vexillius and said, "I have two tenets for you... don't interrupt me during a smoke, and don't piss me off. Be happy you got off with so little.". Machai said to the others, "As for everyone in this sanctuary, know one thing. You get on my bad side, and you see what I can really do. You stay on my good side, I'll be the best person you ever met. I'm easygoing, amiable, friendly, and humourous, but I take no crap from anyone. Don't be afraid to be around me, only fear me when you have done something wrong.".


Machai walked back towards his room, grabbed a piece of wickwheat, and drew a flame to his hands to light the end fronds. He put it between his teeth, and was about to close the door, as the sanctuary door opened and closed, signaling someone had come in. Machai said with exasperation, "For the love of Sithis, what now?".


A Breton girl clad in leather armor had come in. The girl said, "Is this the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary?". Machai asked her, "What is the sound of sorrow?". The girl said, "Laughter.". Machai said, "She's legit. These recruits get pathetic now.", as he furiously tried to light the wickwheat at more parts. The girl said, "Stressed?". Machai laughed and said, "Here? Immensely. I got knuckleheads to deal with.", as he looked at Vexillius.


Machai said to the girl, "Tell me, what is your name?". The girl said, "Calette.". Machai gave a cynical glance and said, "You've got to be kidding me... You can't be a serious assassin, with a name and body like yours.". Calette said, "I can prove my self to you in combat.". Machai laughed and said with a smile, "No, you cannot...", as he took the wickwheat from his mouth and blew a smoke ring in the girl's face.


Calette said, "Please, I'm probably a better fighter than you. You are much yourself, from what I can tell.". Machai laughed and said, "Naive girl, I will show you how little vanity pays. Cora, set up the sparring room.".


End of Chapter I




Chapter II



Machai and Calette stood, facing each other, in the sparring room's center mat. Machai said, "Let me test you with something easy... do back off from a fight before you get hurt.". Calette said, "I've got to prove myself. Backing down won't help either of us.". Machai said, "Fair, but don't cry.". Calette said, "I had the heart to murder, I'm no crier.".


Machai said, "Start with your offensive game. If you can land a single strike on me, I shall bow down and call you master.". Calette said, "Game on, lizard!", as she lunged and him, doing countless flurries of strikes with impressive speed and grace. Eventually, every time she blinked, Machai teleported to a different location around Calette, until she was dazed beyond remedy, and fell.


Machai said, "Not very impressive. Half decent form, slow, weak... I have my work cut out for me.". Calette barked at him, "Oh, come on, you aren't human.". Machai lit up another wickwheat stalk, put it between his teeth, and said with a chuckle, "That much is true, dear. That much is obvious.". Calette said, "You aren't Argonian either.". Machai said, "Two for two, little girl.".


Calette said, "I'm 23, how am I little?". Machai said, "All in good time, my dear. Shall I test your defense?". Calette stood guard and said, "Bout time...". Naively, the girl blinked, and she screamed as she fell to the floor. When she opened her eyes, she had seen that Machai moved very much in that short time, as he held a long, gleaming katana outstreched in his hand, arm east, to his right side.


Machai said, "Pathetic... another braggart who thought they had skill.". Calette said, "I've never lost before?". Machai sheathed his blade and said, "You must have fought nothing but beggars.". Calette said, "Ordinators!". Machai said, "Child's play!".


Calette looked at her armor and said, "What did you do to me??", noting an enormous gash in her armor. Machai said bluntly, "Flesh wound, suck it up.". Calette said, "Easy for you to say! You're like nothing I've ever seen!". Machai said, "This is what you get for fighting a Daedroth.".


Calette said, "You don't look like one...". Machai said, "Believe what you wish, but my blood is completely daedric.". Calette said, "No wonder...". Machai said, with surprising warmth, "Care to join me for a drink?". Calette said, "Um...", and Machai said, "Relax, I'm a more social and flexible leader than you'd expect. So, let me get you that drink.". Calette said, "Sure?".


As the two were walking down the hall, Calette said, "If you don't mind, who were your parents? You're rather powerful.". Machai said, "The Princes Peryite and Mephala. My price for power: My only weapon is to be the ebony blade.". Calette's mind went elsewhere, as she said, "Peryite and Mephala? How does that work?". Machai smiled a dirty smile and said, "Well...", as the continued towards the main area.


End of Chapter II






Chapter III



Machai and Calette sat down in the main area of the sanctuary. Machai poured up some wine and said, "Hope you can stomach this...", and then passed the glass to Calette. Calette said, "I killed a man, didn't I?". Machai smiled as he lit a whickwheat stalk and put it between his teeth, and he said with a puff, "Amazingly enough...".


Calette said, "Hey, not everyone is all fancy and Daedric like you.", as she drank from the glass. Calette winced as she swallowed it and said, "What is this crap made of?". Machai said, "Eh, blood.". Calette said unpleasantly, "Ugh, that's vile.". Machai said, "You've shed it, as you claim. You should be used to it.".


Abruptly, Vexillius was thrown to the floor by Cora, as she said, "Touch me again, and I will neuter you!". Vexillius said, "Hard to get won't work...". Machai got up and walked over to Vexillius. Vexillius said, "Hi...", as Machai yanked him up to his feet. Machai said, "I'm sick of you causing trouble, worm. Leave, or die painfully.".


Vexillius said was a slurring voice, "Take this, daedric pond scum.", and cold clocked Machai. Machai's head turned back slowly, and he breathed miasma and pestilence onto Vexillius' body. The black fog and poison turned his skin to necrotic, rotten flesh, as his body died in a vicious and violent fasciculation and his blackened mass fell to the floor.


Machai stabbed into Vexillius' head with his blade, and ran the blade's tip down a wall beside him, making a line with Vexillius' blood as ink. Machai sheathed his blade and said, "Let this serve as a cold, dark reminder to ANYONE who tries to hurt me or anyone in this sanctuary: I am your friend up until the point you screw with me.".


Machai puffed smoke onto Vexillius' body, as it wisped away into the Void. Machai said to Cora, "You okay?". Cora said, "Yeah, now that that creep is gone.". Machai said, "People should keep their hands where they belong. Vex was a poor, drunken fool, a lout, and a lousy assassin. No one will miss him.".


Machai walked back to his quarters, spat out his wickwheat, and said, "Newblood, come.". Calette obeyed, and followed him in. Machai motioned for her to sit, as he lit up a new wickwheat. Calette said, "You are quite the heavy smoker.". Machai, "I've been leading idiots for at least 300 years. I have good reason to smoke. You want one?".


Calette said, "No, thanks. Why did you call me in here.". Machai got up and walked to the side of Calette, puffed out a smoke cloud, and sighed deeply. Machai said, "I have no confidence in you. You fight like a mudcrab and have the cluelessness of a child.". Calette said, "You couldn't tell me this outside?".


Machai paced slowly and said, "I am leaving for the most important contract in the history of assassination. A general, Tiber Septim, is on the brink of total domination of Tamriel. He will be a new emperor. I have been assigned by Mephala herself, my mother, the honour of doing this assassination.".


Machai continued, "I need someone in charge of here while I am gone. Vex is dead, Cora would make this place a brothel, and Moloch would be more likely to kill everyone else than lead this place.". Calette said, "You want me, then.". Machai said, "I've got no better options.". Calette sarcastically said, "You sure have a way with words...".


Machai said, "I'm not here to do handholding. I'm here to get jobs done. Coddling an assassin is inane.". Calette said, "Will I see you again?". Machai said, "Unlikely. Even Daedra can be killed. Even a Prince.". Calette said, "So, you just are going to abandon me here to fend for myself?".


Machai said with exasperation, "You are so needy! What do you want, then?". Calette only smiled, and Machai said, "You seem to be trying to take Cora's job...". Calette kept smiling, and Machai said, "If it will get you to not whine, then fine... but don't go crying.".


[several pages torn out, presumably by the previous owner]


End of Chapter III





Chapter IV



Machai got up, as Calette was slowly coming to. As Machai relooped his belt, Calette said, "You didn't have to be vicious, you know...". Machai said, tightening his belt, "I gave you what you asked for, be thankful for that.". Calette said, "You said you were here to get jobs done...".


Machai turned around and said, "Jobs mean assassinations. We're in the business to kill, we are NOT a courtesan's guild, like you and Cora think.". Calette got up and said, "I'm nothing like Cora! She has no consideration for others and treats this place like a hayloft!".


Machai said, "How is that different from what you asked of me?". Calette, "I choose with caution. I make sure when I do things, they are out of love.". Machai said in frustration, "For crying out loud, how did you get in this business? I've slept on beds that aren't as soft as you!".


Calette said, "When I kill, I'm heartless. But I think some things require some humanity.". Machai sneered and said, "Pick a human, then.". Calette said, "You don't need to snap.". Machai stepped towards her, looming over her, and said, "In the short time you've been here, you've only succeeded in being a pest and demeaning me.".


Calette said, "I realize this was a mistake... I just wondered.". Machai put his face in his palm and said, "I'm a Daedric Prince, not your paramour. I'm here to KILL things.". Calette said, "Ugh! Why did I do this?". Machai barked at her, "I'd love to know!".


Cora opened the door and said, "Can you two shut up? It's 7:00 in the morning!". Machai walked by Cora and said as he brushed her aside, "Not like you ever sleep!". Cora walked in and said, "What'd you do to piss him off?". Calette stayed silent. Cora sat down on the bed and said to Calette, "Sit. Let me tell you something.".


Calette sat, and Cora said, "Look, what you did was wrong. You aren't enough an assassin to justify a demand like that.". Calette said tearfully, "But-", and Cora said, "Wipe off your tears. If you really killed someone, you wouldn't be this soft.". Calette said, "Self defense. The speaker thought it was murder.".


Cora said, "Look at the wall behind you.". Calette looked and saw a wooden wall with countless scratches, so many that it's hard to tell if there are unscratched parts. Cora said, "That's how many people Machai has killed. Every time he kills, he makes a scratch on that wall with his blade.".


Calette said, "That's... a lot.". Cora said, "That's not his first wall. It's his 107th.". Calette said, "How many people has he killed?". Cora said, "More than you ever could. You've killed one man. He's killed millions.". Calette said, "Must be his powers...".


Cora said, "If his enemies blink, he has enough of a window to use Mephala's power to slow time to a near halt. Nothing can seem to defeat him. He's never lost a fight. He's been around since before man or mer walked Tamriel.". Calette said, "Impressive.". Cora said, "Unlike you.".


Cora said, "Your mistake is not unique. I have shared a bed with Machai, although my kills have warranted his approval. I learned to regret doing such with a Daedric Prince. You are best off not trying to chase a dream. Don't make a stupid mistake.". Calette said, "I won't...". Cora said, "Good... now, come with me. We need to toughen you up.".


End of Chapter IV





Chapter V



Machai stood on a plank, on a tower high above the walls of Kragenmoor. He put a wickwheat stalk between his teeth and lit it. He slowly puffed out from the side of his mouth, shrouded in a malignant smirk edging on the shadows of apathy, and breathed deeply into the cold night.


Tiber Septim passed below, and when he had gone far enough for Machai's liking, Machai vaulted into a dive from over 100 feet above the walls of the city, correcting into a flip just in time to land, every move in perfection to the point where he even landed in perfect silence.


Machai slowly walked up to Tiber Septim, and said, "Turn around.", as he puffed a cloud of smoke onto his target. When the general turned around, Machai said, "By demand of Mephala, your life is to be taken in blood and terror for the glory of Sithis. Don't bother fleeing, I can kill you before you take a breath.".


Tiber Septim said, "Try.", as he blinked. Machai took the power of Mephala in full, and as he dashed, Tiber Septim yelled, "Tiid Klo Ul!", as time nearly froze and he sidestepped Machai, drew his sword, and whacked Machai backward. Machai said in stifled breath, "Impressive... Thu'um.".


Machai then spat out his wickwheat and breathed out all his father's power, unleashing a massive fog of miasma and pestilence. Tiber Septim roared, "Yol... Toor Shuul!", breathing out a pillar of flame like a dragon. As the breath died down in both of them, they exchanged vicious glances. Machai said, "Then let our skills with a blade form the threads of history now!".


Tiber Septim rushed Machai, and kept on him until they got up the tower's highest point, when Tiber Septim got Machai to the back of the plank he started at, and flung away the Ebony Blade, burying it at the hilt. Machai pleaded, "Please, have Mercy.".


Suddenly, a crossbow was put to the back of Tiber Septim's head. Calette's crossbow. Calette said, "Put down the sword or die.". Tiber Septim threw the sword to the ground, but as soon as he did, he ducked and picked up Calette, before throwing her into the air towards Machai.


Tiber Septim drew all his breath and bellowed an earth-shattering roar, "FUS... DO... RAH!". The tremendous blast shot Calette into Machai, and both of them were impaled on the Ebony Blade. Machai's eyes went wide, as he retched bloody foam from his mouth onto Calette and said right before he died, "Curse this blade to redeem me, Mephala, my mother... for by it, I have failed.".


End of Chapter V




Perhaps you now see

Everything pain so be

Ruin and irony do pay

You never tread away

Into that Blade's path

That shows but wrath

Evil is the Ebony Blade

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