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The Hammer's Child


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Cassiel pushed in the final ledger onto the shelf and said, "Phew! It's all done. I hate

bookkeeping! Can I take a break now?". Her father, Barius, said, "Sure, why not? While you are at it, mind picking up my spear from the shop?". Cassiel rolled her eyes and said, "Sure, whatever...", as she walked out into the Hlaalu Plaza.


It wasn't too far of a walk, so Cassiel decided to cut through the Arena Canton's upper area, since it was only below that she had to walk to. When she arrived, she saw an Argonian being beaten by a Dunmer, who was slashing away with a pottery shard at the Argonian's face.


Cassiel rushed over and punched the Dunmer, knocking him to the ground. She yelled, "What do you think you are doing, you animal?". The Dunmer lunged without a word spoken, and Cassiel released a vicious bolt of lightning at him, knocking him out.


Cassiel, worried, leaned over to the Argonian and said, "Are you alright?". The Argonian said, "I've been through worse.". Cassiel put the Argonian's arm around her shoulder and said, "I'm getting you help, right now!". She dragged the Argonian back to her house.


Upon entering, Cassiel's mother said, "What happened?". Cassiel responded, "Someone tried to kill him, I'm going to help him.", as she stormed upstairs. Upon entering her room, Cassiel laid the Argonian down on her bed, and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of this.".


The Argonian was in very rough shape, his black hide with many cuts along his body, and several cuts on his face and one gaping wound pouring out blood across his forehead's left side down between the middle of his eyes. He also was apparently poor, as his garb was a tattered green shirt with a white strip down it along the body and tattered black pants.


The Argonian took off his shirt and said, "If you are taking care of my wounds, you have very much work ahead of you.". The damage was horrendous, with almost his entire chest and torso covered in deep wounds and lacerations. Cassiel said, "This is horrifying! Who did this to you?".


The Argonian said, "Would you like me to categorize half of Vivec?". Cassiel, stunned, said as she put her fingers upon some of the wounds, "This is just evil... how many people have hurt you?". The Argonian said, "One hundred and four.". Cassiel, while bandaging the major wounds, said, "Unbelievable...".


The Argonian said, as he touched the biggest wound, "You know who caused that?", and Cassiel shook her head. Laying his head back, the Argonian said, "The Archcanon, Travolyi.". Cassiel was mortified, knowing that even men claiming to be holy struck a being down in mindless violence.


Cassiel asked, "Why?", as she finished addressing the last wound with greef. The Argonian said, "Sadly, it's because I asked for healing.". Cassiel said, "Monsters. That's what people who do these things are. Monsters.". The Argonian replied, "I've learned to just call them 'Everyday People'.".


The Argonian continued, "You know when is the last day I went without being beaten?". Cassiel said, tearing up at all this, "When?". The Argonian said, "Three years ago.". Cassiel got up and said, "I'm sorry, I just need a moment...", as she left the room and went downstairs.


When Cassiel sat down at the table, her mother saw her crying and came over. Her mother said, "What's wrong?". Cassiel said, "I was listening to that poor Argonian's story. It's mortifying! He has been beaten nearly to death every day for three years, even by the Archcanon!".


Cassiel's mother said, "That can't be true.". Cassiel took her mother's hand and walked her upstairs to her room. She led her mother in, and Cassiel's mother saw the truth. Cassiel said, "See?". The mother was appalled at the damage. The Argonian said, "I'm very surprised you two are saddened by it. Most wish to add to it.".


Cassiel's mother left quite abruptly at the news, shocked beyond belief. Cassiel sat next to the Argonian, who wiped away her tears, and said, "Don't cry. I'm very used to this.". Cassiel said, "Who are you?". The Argonian said, "My name is Malek-Lei. It means 'Hammers Hard".".


Cassiel said, "What an interesting name... what does it mean by 'Hammers Hard'?". Malek-Lei said, "Before I had my naming ceremony, I was quite the builder. I actually built a house for someone at some point. So, they called me 'Hammers Hard', or Malek-Lei in the Saxleel tongue, because I was a hard worker.".


Cassiel smiled and said, "If only everyone else had such interesting stories behind their names.". Malek-Lei said, "In Black Marsh, everyone has a story behind their name. A lot is determined by the licking of the Hist.". Cassiel said, "Ugh, you guys lick TREES?".


Malek-Lei laughed and said, "No, we lick the sap that runs off the Hist. See, the Hist are no ordinary trees. They have great magicks stored within them, and they can even speak.". Cassiel said, "Speaking trees? Man, now my life in Morrowind sounds really dull.".


Cassiel said, "I'll be back later with some dinner for you. Don't move too much.". Malek-Lei smiled and said, "Yes, because I'd WANT to leave a place where people care.". Cassiel smiled and left to go downstairs. When she got down there, she sat at the table, met by an awkward glance from her father, and more of one from the mother.


As the family ate, Barius said, "I heard you brought someone home.". Cassiel said, hostile, "Yes...". Barius said, "Care to explain why you brought some scaled freak in our house?". Cassiel said angrily, "He was being beaten to death. What would you have me do?".


Barius stood and said, "I'd have you get him out.". Cassiel said, "I'm not throwing him back out where racists will kill him.". Barius said, "I'm not keeping him in here where he'll give us something contagious.". Cassiel scoffed and said, "Way to be a bigot, Dad.", as she took her food, and some extra, up with her.


Cassiel walked in her room, and Malek said, "Touch of Mehrunes down there, hm?". Cassiel said, "No, we don't worship Daedra.". Malek laughed softly and said, "No, you don't understand. Ambition is part of Mehrune's sphere of Oblivion. Ambition is what I can see in you.".


Cassiel smiled as she sat down next to Malek and said, "Yeah, that's why I'm a bookkeeper.". Malek said, "But that's not what you want to be.". Cassiel said, "I really want to explore the world. See past boring old Vvardenfell.". Malek sat up and said, "See? Ambition. The fire within. Guess it's one good thing that came of Mehrunes Dagon.".


Cassiel got refocused on food, and said to Malek, "I brought you some bread to eat.". Malek said, "Beats Ash Salts and Hackle-Lo Leaves.". Cassiel said, "Gross. You eat that?". Malek said, "All I can afford. Not a place will hire me.". Cassiel said, "How do you afford to eat then?".


Malek said, "Simple. Adventuring.". As Cassiel was eating, she said, "Adventuring? Ooh, sounds fun! What is it like?". Malek said, "A thrill of a lifetime around every corner. Very exciting, very dangerous. Delving deep into Tamriel's caves and ruins, finding artifacts and treasures beyond belief, but fighting endless hordes of monsters and daedra at every turn.".


Cassiel said, "It pay well?". Malek said, "The gear costs most of what you get. But you get to keep some things.". Malek pulled the covers off himself, to show magnificent boots. Cassiel said, "Wow, what are those?". Malek said, "The Boots of the Apostle.".


Malek also showed he had rings on all his fingers, and he said, "Vampire's Ring, Ring of the Wind, Denstagmer's Ring, Warlock's Ring, Mentor's Ring, Heart Ring, Blood Ring, Ring of Phynaster, and the Soul Ring.". Cassiel said, "Wow...", in utter awe. Malek also showed the Ebony blade, and gave Cassiel a necklace.


The necklace was beautiful, with twenty five stones in the center, from amethyst to diamond and every other type you could think of, struck in a magnificent moonsilver inlay, with a special stone like the blade of the legendary Keening in the center. Cassiel said, "I... I... I don't know what to say.". Malek smiled and said, "How about 'Thanks'?".


Cassiel hugged Malek and said, "Thanks, it's beautiful... but why give it to me?". Malek said to her, "First, let me have my body back?". Cassiel broke off the embrace and said, "Sorry...". Malek said, "It's okay. Anyway, I gave it to you because you have been kinder to me than anyone else in my life.".


Cassiel said, "I just treated you like you were a person, not an animal.". Malek said, "You're the first.". Cassiel said, "So tell me more... about your life, about adventuring, about Black Marsh.". Malek said, "That's the best thing. They are all one and the same.".


Malek spent hours telling Cassiel about Black Marsh, and Cassiel listened to every word with great wonder and curiosity. Everything was a whole new world to her now. And Cassiel wanted all the more to see every bit of it. Cassiel laid back on the bed, next to Malek, and said, "Wow... I wish I could go to Black Marsh one day... see the sights... live the life... explore and breathe fresher airs...".


Malek smiled and said, "Maybe one day I can take you there...". Cassiel said, "I wonder... if everything is different there.". Malek said, "Quite.". Cassiel climbed on top of Malek and said, "Show me.".










When the morning came, Cassiel's mother went to wake up Cassiel. When she opened the door, she responded with a slight shriek. Cassiel woke up in a panic, looked around, and said, "This isn't what it looks like!". Cassiel's mother said, "Oh... my...", as she walked downstairs.


Cassiel said, "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I did that...". Malek said, "You think I believe it any more?", as he put back on his clothes. Cassiel stumbled downstairs, having barely gotten her clothes on, right as her father was walking upstairs. Barius said, "Move!", as he pushed Cassiel out of the way.


Cassiel said to her mother, "What did you tell him?". Cassiel's mother didn't respond. Moments later, Barius came down the stairs, his hand around Malek's neck, dragging him down the stairs. Cassiel tried to stop her father, but he pushed her aside and walked out the door.


Cassiel sat down and said, "He's going to kill him, isn't he?". Cassiel said, "He's having him executed... next week.". And Cassiel's next days did prove to be strained, but on the execution day, she decided to put all the cards on the table. She was going to do anything to stop the execution. Anything.


Cassiel put on her armor, and put on the Boots of the Apostle that were left behind, and armed herself as well as possible, lining her arms with throwing knives, wearing two belts of darts, putting two daggers in the straps on her legs, and putting two crossbows, along with two quivers of bolts, on her back.


Cassiel then disintegrated the ceiling of her house with Passwall, and used her boots to levitate to the Arena, where the execution was to happen. She destroyed the upper dome of the Arena Canton using Passwall, and leapt to a pillar, high above the Arena's upper level. She took the daggers from her legs in mid-air, and stabbed them into the pillar to use as footholds to stand on.


Below, Cassiel heard the reading of the execution decree. The Archcanon read aloud from a scroll, "On this day, 4th of Morning Star, Morndas, 2E 344, Malek-Lei, Argonian from Black Marsh, is to be executed by beheading for the defilement of Cassiel Dahlius. Vivec have mercy on his soul.".


Right before the axe came down, Cassiel leapt down and stabbed through two Ordinator's skulls, killing them instantly. Many more went towards Cassiel, but Cassiel took down one after one with knives and darts, until dozens lay dead. Cassiel loaded her crossbows and finished off three scores more of Ordinators.


Cassiel loaded her last two bolts into the crossbows, and saulted into the Arena pit. She shot one at the Archcanon, and another at the executioner. Cassiel bent to Malek, who was hit by the axe when the executioner fell, and saw Malek was bleeding to death slowly.


Cassiel said, "Malek, it's alright... I'm here...". Malek said weakly, "Why did you come?". Cassiel said, "Because I love you...". Malek said, "Good, because I love you too...". Suddenly multiple arrows pierced into Cassiel's chest, all five of which were fired from her father Barius' bow.


Cassiel stumbled back, as she started to cough up blood, and Barius stood over Malek, a war axe in hand, and Barius said, "Now you die, lizard.". As he prepared to strike, a short gasp came from him, as a glass knife slowly came through his forehead. Cassiel said spitefully, "No... now YOU die.", and she pulled her blade out.


Barius fell back, and Cassiel collapsed onto Malek. Her vision was blurry, but she could just barely see his face. Cassiel said, "Malek... do Argonians believe in an afterlife?". Malek said, "Yes... we do.". Cassiel said, "I wish I could go with you.". Malek said, "How could Stendarr let someone of Dibella's beauty and Mara's kindness be torn away from the one she loves?".


Cassiel said, "I just wished I could have save us... all three of us.". Malek said, "Three of us?". Cassiel said with a smile, "Three of us.". Malek smiled, as he and Cassiel slowly passed into the murky and foggy depths of death, as the life left them, lovers to be forever entwined in Aetherius.





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