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Conjuration Modification


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Details: This mod makes it so that conjured deadra, reanimated undead, and bound weapons never expire, so long as you have the magicka to maintain it. The spell costs magicka as well as damages your total magicka (novice:75 pts, apprentice:125 pts, Adept: 175 pts, Expert: 225 pts, Master: 275 pts). This is because, in theory, it would cost X amount of magicka to open a portal to summon or reanimate the creature, plus Y amount to maintain their existence in your realm. This means if you can conjure a novice summon for 33 pts, it will "cost" 128 total magicka points, but 33 of those will regenerate. If you have 120 pts remaining and you try to do this, it will dispel itself.


Since the "Necromancy" and "Atromancy" perks extended the time for conjures, I modded them as well. Atromancy now gives atronachs an 80% resistance to magicka. The necromancy perk makes undead more powerful (more health, magicka, and stamina, damage resistance, increased speed). The twin souls perk is given to you when you cast your first summon spell. If I find a way to give you this ability without needing the perk, I will replace it with another perk (any tips of how to do this or suggestions for replacement perks will be appreciated).


The Flame Thrall, Frost Thrall, and Storm Thrall have been changed from permanent summoning (since all summons are now permanent) to becoming MUCH more powerful.


The Dead Thrall has been removed. I have replaced it with a *special* spell that I plan to make a quest around. It is in the game currently, so if you would like to search for it, feel free (tip: you probably won't find it, so don't try).



Please inform me if parts of this mod does not work, or makes gameplay significantly more difficult or easy. ENJOY!



Edited by DeanCarter
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Has been updated to add a Dispel Summons spell. This can be found on Farengar's table in Dragon's Reach, Whiterun, or bought from Phinis Gestor of the Mages College. This is useful for if you lose a summon (which has been reported to happen after some fast travels), or if you are un-able to defeat one of your own summons. During testing, I discovered that it was difficult for my mage to defeat a storm atronach because of its 80% magic resistance gained from the atromancy perk.
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  • 1 month later...

02/20/12 Update: Fixed issue where undead would not reanimate correctly under some occasions. Also, reanimated undead no longer turn to ash after they die. This may be changed, or at least made to where the are not able to be reanimated a second time.


03/06/12 Update: Fixed issue where "Dispel Summons" was owned by Farengar and could only be stolen. Reduced cost for novice conjuration spells so that early conjurers can actually do something. I tried fixing the Dispel Summons spell, but I have not encountered the problem in testing, so it makes it difficult fix.


Thanks for the support guys! I would have updated sooner, but I didn't realize I had as many comments/subscribers. It has become more popular since I last checked. Again, inform me of any problems and spread the word!


03/09/12 Update: Replaced the master perk "Twin Souls" with "Oblivionic Master". This perk makes all conjurations 20% cheaper to maintain!


03/17/12 Update: Fixed issue where summons were not working correctly if other mods were installed. Updated scrolls -- scroll do not act like the spells anymore; they are not permanent and do not damage your total magicka. Now non-magic users can conjure summons using scrolls!


03/18/12 Update: All conjuration spells now cost less to summon (not maintain). This should make it especially easier for new characters.


03/24/12 Update: Several minor changes were made in attempt to fix some general problems. Please continue to inform me of errors while I try to fix some of these issues...


04/01/12 Update: Attempted to fix occasional issue with Dispel Summons spell.

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