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Delete npcs journal entries


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I am trying to prevent some npc to show up in the journal characters section. I coudn't find some scripts files that control it but I am no expert.

I found the characters files with journal extension but I don't know which program to use to edit them if there is any.

Any Ideas would be appreciated to get rid of some specifics npcs. I know I can edit the text in the strings but ideally, I would prefer to not see them in the characters section at all.


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It's for my personal confort. I want to remove as much as possible Shani and Triss from the game since I find the way Geralt react to them non canon. I don't want to debate about it but you asked.

I turned their characters models invisible and muted some of Triss lines in the common scenes with others characters. I bet it's not a popular idea but it will prevent me from being annoyed whenever I decide to play again.

Anyway, it seem I can edit the journals.files with the mod editor but I didn't get the chance to test yet. That last part isn't so important since I rarely read Dandelion's foolisheness but while I am at it.

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