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Fwe+AA+wmk+rh_is+alton+mmm can it be done?


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I've put together, all my brain function, hours of cursing, and every combination of load order. I still seem to have issues.


I have every patch for every mod, including the fwe+ wmk, fwe+mmm, fwe+alton pa, fwe+rh, rh+wmk, AA+wmk, foip etc, and a fo3edit merged custom patch.


If I can figure out how to get a screen shot in my phone I'll post my load order.


Why do I crash ALL the time when in the wasteland? Interior cells run fine for hours. Step out into the wasteland, ten minutes or less, I'm asked if I would like to send an error report... Yet sometimes I get 45 minutes in without any problems, dc area cells take longer to crash too but the main walkable wasteland is the main issue.




I am using the goty edition, and the unofficial patch, which I'm not sure is necessary? Yes I have fose, and I'm invalidated.


Also, I get 50-65 fps with just fallout 3 running, modded I'm averaging 38-48, with low stutter here and there around 8-23..?


Xp sp3

Amd x2 2.8 ghz Duo core w/ 1gb L2

Narra5 mobo

3 gb ddr3 ram

Amd radeon hd 4850 1gb, oc'ed @ 680/1025mhz + 1.282v


Running full specs on catalyst, and fo3 graphicd settings maxed. 1440X900/60hz


Any help/suggestions etc?

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Okay, I re installed fo3, then fose, then fwe, rh_is, boss ordered, merged, and I'm getting much better fps. 50-60 w/ drops around 35 in heavy combat. MMM could be the culprit but I still have random crashing... Help? Ideas?
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