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Specialization mod


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Hello, long-time TES addict here.


Being bored with the non-specialized character development that is typical of the Elder Scrolls series, for example a warrior at higher levels needs to branch out into thieving and mageing to maximize his potential, I figured I'd just make a mod that introduces a more class-based system that has more limits but lets the PC become powerful without needing to train all skills.


This would be done by a class-screen, where the player simply chooses a preset, lore-friendly class.

This will come with special abilities, such as a more powerful, leveled "turn undead" spell for paladins (with damage effect on lower level undead).

Also there will be bonuses and increased caps to some skills, penalties and limited caps to others.

The concept of faster leveling when concentrating on higher level skills will be toned down, since otherwise it would go too fast when specializing. OR I will just slow down leveling overall.



I would like to know if all this is possible to achieve with the Creation Kit?

And is there something you think should be in (or removed from) a mod such as this?



Edited by Rahiiyja
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