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Changing outfits CK


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I have tried to change the default outfit of an NPC(Lydia) with the CK. I entered the NPC inventory window , after creating an outfit(using armor made with another mod ) , and changed the default outfit to the new one. Saved the mod and started the game .After exiting and entering the cell where Lydia is I found her to be completely naked. The third party armor mod is istalled correctly becaouse I equiped it on my character.



Can anyone please help ?

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I have tried to change the default outfit of an NPC(Lydia) with the CK. I entered the NPC inventory window , after creating an outfit(using armor made with another mod ) , and changed the default outfit to the new one. Saved the mod and started the game .After exiting and entering the cell where Lydia is I found her to be completely naked. The third party armor mod is istalled correctly becaouse I equiped it on my character.



Can anyone please help ?


I'm having the exact same problem. Here is the post I made on another forums about it:


So, I created a new follower. I want her to wear a set of Triss Armor by default, so I downloaded the armor, found it in the CK, and added it to a new Outfit I created (see screenshots). I selected that outfit as the default, and verified that all 3 pieces show up. However, when I load the game and go find the NPC, she is walking around in her birthday suit! (The armor was not even in her inventory). I have had success with adding vanilla armor sets, like one of the bandit sets, previously. So, I am assuming the mistake is either with the armor itself, or the way I created the Outfit.


I did add some other items (like an Apple and a ring) at the same time and those items showed up in her inventory, so I know the mod loaded properly. Any ideas?







I would also appreciate any help on this!

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I have tried to change the default outfit of an NPC(Lydia) with the CK. I entered the NPC inventory window , after creating an outfit(using armor made with another mod ) , and changed the default outfit to the new one. Saved the mod and started the game .After exiting and entering the cell where Lydia is I found her to be completely naked. The third party armor mod is istalled correctly becaouse I equiped it on my character.



Can anyone please help ?


I'm having the exact same problem. Here is the post I made on another forums about it:


So, I created a new follower. I want her to wear a set of Triss Armor by default, so I downloaded the armor, found it in the CK, and added it to a new Outfit I created (see screenshots). I selected that outfit as the default, and verified that all 3 pieces show up. However, when I load the game and go find the NPC, she is walking around in her birthday suit! (The armor was not even in her inventory). I have had success with adding vanilla armor sets, like one of the bandit sets, previously. So, I am assuming the mistake is either with the armor itself, or the way I created the Outfit.


I did add some other items (like an Apple and a ring) at the same time and those items showed up in her inventory, so I know the mod loaded properly. Any ideas?







I would also appreciate any help on this!


Your itemID is too long, psyoldtrissleather... - too many characters.

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I don't know whether this works with modded outfits but it works with leveled and individual pieces of clothing, armor and jewelry.


Make a copy of an outfit in the object window and rename it to something else.


Open the new outfit in the object window and a little window will show you everything in that outfit.


Click on the pieces of the outfit and delete them with the delete key. Leave the empty outfit window open.


Now it's empty, find first piece of clothing for your new outfit in the object window.


Drag it into the outfit window to add it to your new outfit.


Drag all the pieces of attire you want into the outfit window.


Once finished hit OK to close the outfit window.


Now in the edit base form of your actor, in the inventory tab, set the Default Outfit as your new outfit.


That's it.


I had an actor running around for weeks with no clothes until I worked it out !

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I have tried to change the default outfit of an NPC(Lydia) with the CK. I entered the NPC inventory window , after creating an outfit(using armor made with another mod ) , and changed the default outfit to the new one. Saved the mod and started the game .After exiting and entering the cell where Lydia is I found her to be completely naked. The third party armor mod is istalled correctly becaouse I equiped it on my character.



Can anyone please help ?

See where it says sleeping outfit well if your AI package flags section has "wear sleep outfit" checked and you have nothing there than I think they will be naked, I think don't quote me on that though, hope this helps

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