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Jagged interior shadows, External shadows fine (ini.tweaks)


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I have searched for and found similar threads & articles scattered around, but nothing I could find to address my problem.


I am tweaking Skyrim for a low-spec computer, and I seem to have a discrepancy between interior and exterior shadows, demonstrated in screenshots:


Internal - jagged, runs slowly.




External - smoother, runs fast.



I would like internal shadows to look like the external shadows.

These are my shadow ini settings:



















Increasing shadow resolution causes a performance hit.

Increasing 'Blur deferred shadow mask' causes a performance hit both indoors and out. I don't really need to change outdoor shadows, just transfer their appearance indoors.



What setting is making the external shadows blurry that I can duplicate for the internal shadows?

Any hint appreciated, thanks :)


(Specs: i5-2410, 4g, Nvidia 525M, W7-64)


EDIT: Some internal shadows look fine.. confusing.

Edited by levethian
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I dont think you can change them through settings in the .ini files. The internal shadows are are set in the bias properties of the interior shadow casting light.


While messing around with lighting in the Creation Kit, I noticed that some of the shadows from objects had jagged edges. I then changed the properties of the shadow caster and the shadows smoothed out and blurred.


It looks like that unless you open every room in the Creation Kit and manually change these values, some shadows are going to be remain jagged, no matter what.


Maybe someone who has a lot of time on their hands can make a mod for improved interior shadows.

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For sure, some interior light sources produce jaggies, some don't.


I don't foresee a mod to change this any time soon. I guess the only way to help it in the meantime is to increase shadow-map resolution, but that would start to eat away at my 525M. :)


Great information, thanks for the reply.

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