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Request: Closed System


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Nothing ever respawns.

Vendors never restock.


They were once an adventurer like you--then they took a flash of insight to the brain. Now the merchants, traders and vendors of Skyrim make a living off the backs of their fellow citizens, by selling them the region's dwindling resources at prices their customers can't afford to pay, but have to anyway if they don't want to starve. Then you showed up and started looting everything in sight, wrecking the already-fragile economy. They could have easily had you killed, but then they had another collective flash of insight--if they willingly traded with you, then you would eventually bring them all of Skyrim's resources in exchange for items you would inevitably consume just to stay alive.


Leave no stone unturned, Dovahkiin. You can't afford to let anything go to waste.


You'll have to lie, cheat, steal and murder to get what you need to survive and keep your hard-earned coin out of the grasping hands of those conniving merchants.

You'll have to be frugal with your resources, and reclaim what materials you can to keep yourself as self-sufficient as possible.


Can you afford to drink that healing potion? It may be the last of its kind.

Can you afford to experiment with alchemy? Every failed trial-and-error attempt is just wasted resources you can't use for anything else.


The vendors have it easy--they've been stockpiling money and items for years, in some cases decades. Their prices are high, but so are their stockpiles. Once an item's gone, though, it's gone for good.


You, however, will have to go out of your way just to survive. You'll have to live off the land, as well as off the backs of those around you.


Good luck, Dragonborn. You'll need it.




Massive thanks in advance if anyone actually does make a mod like this.

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