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Character Face Export


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Hi everyone,

does anyone know if it's possible to Export the Face Data of a Player Character to use it on an NPC ?

I saw that the Creation Kit has a option to Import Face Data but I dont know how to get this Data.


I'd be very thankful if someone could help me! :)

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  • 4 months later...

It worked ! Thank you ! :)

But there still remains the problem with the CK and the dark Faces. :wallbash:


1 - Create / edit actor in the CK, using the *.npc face generated by "spf" command (see above)

2 - close the npc box

3 - Select the NPC in the CK "Actors" list

4 - type Ctrl+F4 to export faces as *.nif meshes in the meshes/Actors/Character/FaceGenData/FaceGeom/(yourespname).esp folder


This will fix the Dark Face problem.

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  • 2 months later...

This is all wonderful information and I'm sure I'll be using it in the future, I'm a budding modder looking for help all over the net, I was wondering though if there was a program that would let me save as a .npc so I could precontruct NPC's before adding them into the creation kit to be used as NPC's for my mods.


Currently I've been altering the looks of default skyrim NPC's and while I'm doing it, it's also tedious. My current strategy involves altering the characters basic abilities, stats, saving it as a new .esp, pulling up the Skyrim NPC editor, opening the .esp, changing the appearance ( NPC editor imho does a million times better job of doing this than CK, especially if you don't want to end up using duel .esm's in your mods. Pulling the texture files out of Apachii hair, or UNP, etc and packaging them with your mod is much better than requiring those mods be installed to make the NPC usable ).


My method is working but it would be so much simpler if NPC editor was able to save a created face as a .npc to be imported into the CK and therefore forego the additional steps. Is there any such program? I have got quite a few programs I'm using for modding including CK, amongst which are the necessary .BSA extractors so that the mods can be standalone without the need for additional textures and meshes from other mods. I just want to be able to make a face and save it for some point at a later time when I'll end up using it for an NPC.


I know I'm rambling, I apologize for that, I've a serious injury that leaves me in constant pain and I'm high as a kite on vicodin right now. I hope people will overlook that, and let me know if there is any tool out there that can help me out.


Thanks in advance

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  • 4 months later...

Anyone knows hoe to import this face morph back. For instance I want to start a new fresh game with the same face, but I can't reproduce it, still I love the way my character looks right now. Anyone?

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Anyone knows hoe to import this face morph back. For instance I want to start a new fresh game with the same face, but I can't reproduce it, still I love the way my character looks right now. Anyone?


Go to Actors -> actor -> Preset in CK and double click a preset from your race/sex. (BretonMalePreset01 for example)

Go in Character Gen Parts tab on top of that window and click import button and find your .npc file there.

click Ok then Save as Preset.esp and activate it.

in game select your race, and select your preset.


After you created your character you can deactivate Preset.esp if you need.




Make their face in game first, save them with spf then use import button in CK to import your .npc file.


To make your follower truly standalone you'll have no choice but to recreate every entries for everything in your esp.

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