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help with portals and roombounds


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I have made my house and navmeshed and cluttered all of it. When I make the room boxes and save ,everything seems fine ,but if I close the geck and reopen it The only things visible in the render window are the room boxes. It dosent matter what I have checked in the show\hide menu. I am assuming that it is just my lack of experience and that it is as simple as not knowing the right key to press. This small problem has me stopped in my tracks . I would be grateful for any help.

thanks G.

Edited by greggorypeccary
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Thanks. I knew it had something to do with multibounds but I just couldn't narrow it down to the right answer. I was looking at the ini. So I was heading in the right direction but you saved me a lot of head scratching and trial and error, not to mention time.I have to wonder why this occurs? Or why there is no mention in the tutorials? You have helped me in the past and I can only say that I am glad that there are people like you , who will take the time to help.


On another subject I am using your Wendy Gilbert mod right now. I found her in Primm this time . She is a great companion that I reccomend to everyone.

Edited by greggorypeccary
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