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copying cells


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Hi, I'm having a pretty big problem. I'm working on a mod and I accidentally deleted a cell. I just found this out after a month and have done a lot of work since then. I have a backup with the cell intact but when I try and copy the cell, I get a whole mess of duplicate files. Is there any way I can copy that cell into my current mod version without my problem?
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Ah, then it's good time to learn it. It's a must for a modder. =)


There is ton of tutorials that explain how to use fnvedit way more better than I ever could. Specially as I'm myself still a newbie with fnvedit.

Check out these tutorials and you will master the FNVEdit :) or at least you can use it well enough. =)


FNVEdit Training Manual



Modding Fallout NV Tutorial - Part 5 - FNVEdit


There is a video version too.


After youve familiar with FNVEdit, This video tut might help you to figure out how to try and fix your problem. It's basically same thing what its done there. Copying stuff from one mod to other... You just won't make new file but choosing other plugin where to copy override...




the program itself is here:http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=34703

Edited by SHazardous
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