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Monster Hunter


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Since This is a request, I hope I could or if anyone else could create Armor, Combat, and A.I. like Monster Hunter...

-The Combat mechanics of that game would fit like Butter in the Skyrim world.

(Each weapon could have there one special "style of fight" with timed swings and power moves.)

-The A.I. of the Monsters in Monster Hunter each have they'er very own attack sequences which give personality to every Monster.

(Would love to see a Giant or Mamoth in Skyrim watch you and Toy with you during an attack with suprise charges like a Bull and use the environment to challenge you.)

The Dragons could have such personality if given a Monster Hunter like A.I.

-Also with combat the ability to roll left or right or backward, even forward to get away from a group or a Blast from a Dragon.

Each move would take a stamina loss..

This game is superior in everything an RPG has.

But the combat could be even further polished if the Skyrim combat is "Action" oriented..


Thanks for Reading


"Bash away" :happy:

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