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Is it possible keep settlers at their jobs at all times?


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Hey guys. I'd like to know if it's possible to keep settlers at their assigned jobs permanently. No wandering around, similar to how guards work. I guess I got a problem with pathfinding, but I'm too far into my huge settlement build and most of the time they end up in sealed off areas. one of them even ended up underground. Surprisingly though they are able to find the way to the bar from their assigned job location, but they never find the way back to their job. I'd just like to be able to use my vendors without searching for them. Is there any possible way to change their behavior and make them never leave their job?

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Hahah thanks for pointing that out, made me laugh for quite a while. Well at least I can roleplay it now and act like they are all drunk the whole time. would at least explain how they end up in locations which you normally could not reach.

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