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Casting a spell with shield equipped


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hey all,


i feel this is something that skyrim is really missing, but unfortunately i have no idea how to mod myself, so its a call to any modder who wants to undertake this project.


basically, the idea is that u can cast a spell while holding a shield (and only with a shield) from the same hand: for example weilding a sword in the right hand, shield in the left, and assign a key where the left hand performs the casting animation if pressed - while still holding the shield. i beleive that was how oblivion did it, and its something which i personally wish i had [in my case the ability to cast soul trap without opening favourites, selecting the spell, then re-equiping shield].


as far as i know there isnt a mod out there that can do this and it doesnt seem like an overly complex mod (in no way am i saying modding is an easy task)


thanks in advance


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I really like this idea. I like mods that are more improvements than cheats, and this one simply eliminated the need to scroll through favorites, allowing more combat flow.

I had an idea like this earlier today, but in my opinion it would be cool to be able to cast an assigned spell in a sword hand by holding the trigger button, but losing the ability to use a power attack. It seems like it would work similar to a staff. Like a literal "spell-sword"

But if not my idea, then the shield mod all the way

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