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redtorch - Formal warning issued

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redtorch has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Trolling, bashing disparaging a mod/mod author/user.

Your post on 29 Nov 2016, 10.17 PM:

hmmmmmm.... I have several questions:

1. Why this exists?

2. How is this relevant with Fallout?

3. Who, in the name of Religion took that picture? -actualy I don`t care...

4. How bored on scale from 1 to 100 you need to be to put this s*** up on nexus?

5. Is this supposed to be funny?

6. Are you eaven human?

7. Why is the last version 69 eaven though there were no previous versions?

8. How on Earth is this lore friendly?

9. What does this has to do with Foreign Coulture?

10. Why am I still wasting time here?- actualy I will answer this one myself...


Your post on 14 June 2017, 02:39 AM:

„WAIT! she wears a lesbian necklace?... actually forget it, it explains picture very well, also she has no innards and is probably anorexic... can she put a finger trough trigger-guard without breaking those nails or heck, can she even lift a gun or her arm? while her (supposedly)transgender girlfriend/wife Nate(or Nataly?) looks like a successful F.E.V. subject.


Picture makes too much immersive sense of accurate realism... like seriously, they should be stock preset of Fallout5 main characters“


Terms of Service, File and image database commenting and endorsements (excerpt):

„If you disagree with the content of a file on the site then do not post (i.e. do not criticise the file on the basis of your personal likes/dislikes). Simply ignore the file and move on.“





This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here




Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, redtorch has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days




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