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Sim City type mod


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I have always thought that a great addition to rpg/fps games would be an rts. Kind of a Sim City type mod where you would be able to raise your own town and eventually kingdom. You could manage trade routes, tax rates, your own faction, diplomacy, espionage and even war. To keep from encroaching on other towns you could have it so only certain spots can be used. It would start out with a for sale sign. You would buy the land, buy plans for a house, build it and then based on your popularity people will move there and build their own houses near yours. Eventually as your popularity grows so does your house. Of the people that move in you can assign them certain jobs. Architecture is one, this will automate building so you don't have to give instructions to build however he would not be the most efficient and would benefit from instruction. Tax collector once you get large enough to collect taxes. Militia, initially consisting of just farm hands with pitch forks. As an option you can even hire the guards from one of the other kingdoms to guard your town for a fee. Eventually you end up with a barracks and a guard captain to train others. Once you get large enough you end up with multiple guard captains and generals and what not. It would be good to be able to manually direct your architecture to build certain things, like if you wanted a wall early on you can tell him to order a wall constructed of wood or stone. You could also have local resources like stone and wood. These would be limited and not very large. Other resources could be located a distance away that you would need to designated your resource gatherers to forage resources from. You would need to assign someone to a caravan to transport the goods back to your town. You would also need to assign a guard detail for that caravan. You could mange town happiness with the strength of your walls, taverns and various shops and variety of food. You can send out hunters to collect meat and furs. Eventually what starts out as a couple of shacks turns into a full fledged kingdom, rivaling and surpassing the other kingdoms. You have to beware of diplomacy though because other kingdoms can decide they want to attack you if they don't like you. You also have to combat sickness with a bath house and plumbing of some sort. Vampirism could be an issue as well. You could investigate and slay any vampires that decide to live in your town or you could let them infect everyone in the town and have a vampire town.


The possibilities could be endless with this and if I knew how to make mods I would do it myself. Those that do know how to make mods, is this a plausible idea?

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