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My follower is just skeleton body (except the head and some parts) pls help error or bug


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Hello again....Well i got again some rare bug or error..

When i give the companion or follower of a mod (like Tania) a armor vanilla (armor from skyrim duh)..

She/he got a skeleton body in the legs,hands except head...

I don`t know is this some error of some bug or save file..

Pls if someone nows how to fix this pls respond c:

(sorry if some words are bad im spanish :c )

Here the link of the image of the error https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5GQ2nDX3baiOWJDdmthcHlaT2M

Well thats all...Bye..

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It happens when you put the armor on? She is ok without armor? Yes, it does look as if the armor is on a skeleton mesh somehow. I've had invisible body parts, but never have seen this.


Post your problem in the mod troubleshooting forum, you may get more help.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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