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try using cleanmem to fix your game


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i cbf posting in all topics to alert people to this program


it fixes a lot of problems in games such as graphic, crashes, freezing


keep in mind some problems can be unrelated to what cleanmem fixes yet causes the same symptom as what cleanmem fixes (i had mods editing the same files conflicting each other crashing my game on fallout 4)




i had 300 mods on skyrim that eventually causes skin and ground textures to turn black from enb mods ontop of the 300 + crashes from outdated mods and cleanmem fixed it


just give it a try


Edited by skannerz22
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Cool, but I doubt Creation Engine suffers major memory issues. Sure there are some, but it's related to that particular computer system. Which tells me, build/buy another computer XD. We certainly don't build the gaming PC to ever suffer any of that. But also anything bad in there for Skyrim or FO4 is probably from the mods being dirty & incompatible, along with corruption being rampant. There's a distinct lack of knowledge of the advantages of a compatible & stable build as it relates to savegames & the ability to create new games while relying on backup savegames which update & are 100% clean. Skyrim & FO4 to date from the launch, and FO3/FNV before that for 8 years of the hobby suggests otherwise, in regard to the behaviors of the problems & players durring that time. Veteran's know, if you want to get into the 500+ hour game, it's going to take a fair amount of dedication & accuracy. I mean, I don't know what to say, we do what we gota do, but out of 20 different builds, there is definitely going to be one that will last for years & years without a problem. We might have tested/built 120 or so Bethesda games modded in 8 years or so. Well, you know, it's not just me. There's actually a lot of people that group together & do only this kind of bag baby. Thanks for the cool application, and don't forget about Oblivion. XD

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if something is old or bad it has a 20% chance to give you corrupt data


cleanmem is essentially forcing what ever program and mods tied to that program to refresh to give you that 80% rather than that 20%


it's like a bunch of field bandages for a bleeding out soldier it's not always going to save him but it incrases his chance to save him


if the game stores too much of corrupt data in cache it will lead to a crash or graphical error or something and that's what cleanmem is it's clearing that bad data before it explodes it's not preventing the bad data from being created it's just a bandage for a bleeding soldier e is still bleeding internally but atleast he won't "bleed out" like i said


it has nothing to do with creation engine

Edited by skannerz22
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